Chapter 12: Secrets Undone

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We slowly walked through the door, crossing an enourmous hallway, leading to a lounge of sorts. I let Adam pull me behind him, gazing at everything with my mouth open wide. »You grew up here?! But, it's huge!« He brushed the comment aside. »Really? I never noticed.« I knew he was agitated by the thought of seeing his father after such a long time.

»Hey, don't worry. You're going to be great out there!« He frowned and shrugged his shoulders. »I guess so.« I knew I shouldn't have but I leaned in for a kiss. »I know so.« His eyes slid close while we locked our lips. »Why now, Mike? Why not before?« Oh man, I knew this was coming. »I was scared. I should've never felt the way I feel but I do. I'm crazy for you, Adam Singer and I want to see what the future holds for us!« His face lit up, making him look like a little kid at a candy store. Adorable!

When we were about to kiss again, somebody marched right behind Adam. »So, this is the gorgeous lady you were telling me about? God, I don't want to know what her mother looks like!«

Adam's face turned scarlet red with embarrassment. »Hey, dad!« He slowly turned around, facing the man, towering over him. Man, he looked intimidating! I couldn't just let Adam take all the heat here, I had to do something. I brushed past him, shielding his body behind me. »Hello, sir. My name is Donovan. Michael Donovan.« The man gave me a once-over, leaving my hand dangling in the air. »Can one of you please explain to me why I am standing in an abandoned hallway with two men and no drink in my hand?«

I gulped. »Well, you see, your son's date should've been my sister, who is out sick today. Addy here wanted to make you proud by bringing home the perfect girl from a magazine.«

His father smirked at the remark. »She's a Playboy Bunny?« I shook my head, grinning throughout. »Hh! I wish, just a whore, sir.« The man gazed at me for an eternity, then without a notice, started laughing like crazy. »Ha, I like this one, Adam, you should keep him.« He averted his gaze, looking at me once more. »Tell me, young man, what is it that you do?«

Shit, I wasn't prepared for this. What is the most reliable and boring job in the whole wide world?! »He's a teacher, dad.« Ha! That would explain where Adam met an older man. Why didn't I think of that before? Oh my, Mr. Singer was still talking and I haven't heard a word he said. Oops!

»…so you know how to handle this little brat then? Kidding, kidding! See how he's flashing me a look? His mother used to glare at me like that when we were still married. Hahahaha!« Wow, the man wasn't half that bad once you got over the whole 'I'm going to murder your family in front of you' stare of his. »We have your blessing then?« My heart skipped a beat. Was I finally coming to a place of endearment for the kid? Maybe we could work this out. He is legal and there is no law that has anything against gay relationships… yet.

»Yeah, yeah. Whatever makes you two happy. Just know, that if you hurt my boy, I'm going to rip your guts out and make you wear them as a necklace.« My eyes widened - there was the stare again. »I don't expect anything less from you, sir.« I think my voice was trembling when I said that. Oh God, I have never been so scared in my entire life!

The man turned around, taking his leave, then he faced Adam once more. »Oh, and kid, when you get a chance, we need to talk. One of my sources found the person we were looking for. We're having a meet after the party, if you're still in.« I looked at them baffled.  Who were they talking about?

Adam nodded, giving me a quick glance. »Sure, I'll be there.« Mr. Singer looked at me, acknowledging my unawareness of the situation. "That's good." He took a little bow at my direction. "It was nice to meet you Mr. Donovan. I hope we shall see each other again.« I agreed, shaking his hand, and then watched him disappear into the crowd of guests. »Adam, what the hell was that?! Who were you guys looking for and what is going on?!«

Adam cast me a glance, looking guilty as shit. »I was angry, Mike. What was I supposed to do?« Oh hell, what has he done? »Adam, what did you do?« He shook his head. »It doesn't concern you, Mike. Let it be.« I couldn't believe it, he was hiding something from me!

»Adam, talk to me, tell me what's wrong!« He rolled his lips inside his mouth. »I can't, Mike. You will either try to convince me against it or arrest me on the spot. And I can have neither." My lips trembled. "I know it's too soon but I love you too much to let you throw away your future for something stupid!" This must be big but I shouldn't let him bear the burden alone. Or should I?

I tilted his chin up, so he could see my face. »No matter what you do, no matter what you decide, I'm here for you. Fuck my job, fuck your dad, fuck everyone! I'm here for you and you alone.«

Adam looked at me with his piercing blue eyes. Oh God, can he be any more dazzling? He leaned in, apparently trusting me with this huge secret. It probably wasn't even that bad. Maybe they found a new gardener or a cook. Yeah that's it, they found a brilliant chef for the next Family gathering.

Sadly, I got excited way too soon for the wrong thing. »Dad found the person that killed my sister and tonight we're going to kill them.« Say what?!


Muahahaha! Me be evil for leaving le readers on another cliffhanger. :D

*hides behind a rock* Please don't kill me!

So, what'd ya think? Too boring? Too fast? Too much emptiness behind their declarations of alleged love. YES! I said alleged. Muahahaha! There may even be someone else in the mix here, I don't know. :P

You'll just have to wait for the next chapter, which comes out tomorrow, and see for yourselves. Or maybe, I'll leave you hanging for another two chapters! Hah! The eeevil is strong in me today...

Comment away peeps, see you tomorrow and hopefully every single day after that.

Ta ta <3

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