Chapter 4: Sooner or Later...

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I gently took his arm, pulling him up, »Come on, let's get you out of here.« I saw he was shivering from the wind that sneaked past the blanket. Maybe he wouldn't find it weird if I just wrapped my arms around him, for heat, of course. I felt his body ooze into mine, like a missing piece of puzzle, colliding with the whole picture. I relaxed, feeling secure, like nothing could hurt him now because I was here. Then, I felt his cheek rub against my skin, making my stomach turn. Were those butterflies? No, it can't be, he's just a kid and of the same sex, none the less. How many times do I have to convince myself I'm not gay? Does having to convince myself of it mean that I actually am? Oh God, I feel so confused right now! I can't think about this or my head will explode! I roughly peeled Andy off of me, making him blush. God, he looks so cute! No! No, he doesn't look cute. He looks manly and sofisticated and very, very sad. His sister just died, he probably just wants somebody to hold him and tell him that they love him.

I sighed, opening the front doors of my car for him, letting him slide into the passenger seat. Afterwards, I slowly walked around the car, crawling behind the wheel. Damn, somebody messed with the seat again. »Fuck!« The kid jumped up, making me realise he was probably terrified of me. »Somebody just messed around with the seat, don't be scared, okay?«

Andy nodded, turning his head around again. He took his blanket and rearanged it, so only his nose was visible from a little hole. »Adam.« I furrowed my eyebrows.

»Adam?« The blanket moved, »That's my name. Adam.« I smiled a bit, it suited him better. »Why'd you lie to the cops then, Adam?« The kid sniffled, whilst removing the blanket from his head. »Because of who I am. And because of who my sister was…«

I slowly nodded, not knowing what he meant by it. »Can you elaborate on that, Adam?« He gazed into my eyes, looking for forgiveness. »I lied, because… because my father is Tony Singer.« I glanced at his face, seeing he was telling the truth. »Oh…« He smirked a bit, »Yeah.«

»So, that means, you're Addy Singer?« The kid's eyes flashed with anger, staring in front of him. »That's me. Whupdi - freaking – doo.« Suddenly, I couldn't control it in any longer. My body started shaking with laughter, almost making me lose control of the wheel. Almost!

The look on his face said it all, »Sorry.« He nodded, making me know, that I was forgiven. »How does your father feel about you being gay and all?« A slow blush started forming on his cheeks, making him look even more gorgeous. »You know about that?«

I nodded, »Yeah, we had you surveilled for some time, not knowing if you were a threat or just an innocent bystander.« He rolled his lips into his mouth, thinking about something. »That means you followed Michael for some time too, right?«

I didn't know where this was going. He's probably just looking for some closure. »Yeah,… he's miserable, you know?« Why'd I just lie? The kid's ex is having the time of his life in Malibu Beach.

»Really?« His face lit up like a kids at a candy store. »Yeah, he was even in jail for some time.« Well, he was in cuffs, that boy likes it nasty.

I looked at the kid, taking my eyes off the road. »How ya' doing?« He let his teeth show, »Actually, I feel much better!«

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