Chapter 8 II Kayden

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Dylan as Kayden, whatcha think? Still don't know who to put as Adrian.


Everyone were looking at the windows and I was the only who saw shadow before the door were ripped off.

Stares were now pointed at some person.

Some person that is strong enough to rip door off with bare hands.

Doors were lying down on the floor.

Few people were on their feet.

There was another boom and I flinched.

"What do you want?"- I heard Adrian ask as he was walking towards the person in the shadows.

"Is that how you greet your old friends, or is it just me"- deep and calm voice said as the guy started to come from shadows.

Adrian looked surprised.


"The one and only"- said the guy as he stepped in the classroom. I still couldn't see him really well.

Suddenly the lights turned on.

Adrian was standing few steps in front of some guy. He looked at him like he can't believe what he is seeing. The guy – I'm guessing Kayden, was grinning. He was as tall as Adrian, maybe an inch shorter. He had that glowing hazel-gray eyes and black hair.

"What, no hug?"

"Son of a... "- Adrian said and pulled Kayden in weird man-hug, "How are you alive you bastard?"

"It's a story for another time, bratu"

Everyone was staring at them and they didn't seem to notice.

"Please don't tell me that I'm the only person that is freaking out because there is super-strong maniac in our classroom"- Layla said and everyone turned her way.

Ma-Lea coughed wanting to end the scene, but no one was paying attention to her.

Kayden tilted his head and looked at her with a serious expression. He looked scary.

"I'm not a maniac unless you want me to be"- he said with a smirk.

I felt relief because from the look on his face I thought he's going to kill her.

"Enough"- Ma-Lea said.

Kayden turned in her direction.

"Well, well, what do we have here?"

"Kayden, nice to see you're alive and well, but I don't tolerate this kind of behavior in my class"

"Not even from your favorite nephew. Ouch, that hurts"

"I was notified that you'll be in my class, I saw your mother yesterday we had a little talk"

"Don't listen to her she is completely crazy"- Kayden said waving her off.

I was confused with a scene in front of me. I had no idea what is going on.

"Okay, I don't want to be the one to break this family reunion but if you could tell us what is happening – that would be amazing"- I said and once again everyone stared at my direction.

"Wait, wait, wait", Kayden said as he was coming closer. He stood in front of me and looked at my eyes. He laughed coldly and turned around facing Adrian and Ma-Lea.

"Humans? Seriously?"

"You have something against it?"- Cora asked.

"Perhaps"- he said not looking at her.

I heard Daniel swearing.

"C'mon, I'm giving you a tour of the town"- Adrian said.

"Classes are still ongoing"- Ma-Lea interjected.

"Just write that we're absent"- Adrian said as he turned her way.

Ma-Lea seemed angry. It didn't suit her really well. Kayden, on the other hand, looked happy with his friend.

"You really had to rip the door off?"- Adrian asked as they were leaving.

"Well, then I wouldn't have had a big dramatic entrance, would I?"- he responded and Adrian laughed. Kayden quickly turned around and winked at us with an evil smirk on his face.

  Everything about him scremead trouble.  

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