Chapter 37 II Tiny spark

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Adrian's POV

Dead silence filled the room after his last sentence. I gulped. The unfairness of the situation hit me like a train and started slowly burning me. That whole day I felt uncomfortably warm and now the heat magnified. My thoughts were all over the place, but I could focus on one particular feeling that unpleasantly crept under my skin. If I was only a bit more persuasive with my parents twelve years ago, nothing would've happen to him. If only I didn't go looking for him, he never would've been found - he would stay. If, if, if... Millions of ifs swarmed in my head uncontrollably. Trying to distract myself from that new terrible emotion I turned my attention to the one feeling I easily recognized - anger. Blood rushed through my veins as my heartbeat increased.

"Savages. Murderers!" it echoed in my head. I clenched my jaw tightly and my hands into fists. My mouth was dry and my breaths were shallow. "How dare they? They are nothing and they act like gods! I could crash them like ants. Those little bastards..."

The image of my mother flashed in my mind. I squeezed my fists tighter and tighter until I felt sticky red liquid seeping down. The burning sensation tingled in my eyes. I was losing control.


I closed my eyes and breathed in letting the fresh air put down the fire. As I swallowed, my heart started slowing down. I exhaled. My head was slightly titled back and my muscles eventually relaxed. I could sense the empty feeling of nothingness slowly coursing through my body leaving me numb.

After a few moments I opened my eyes and looked at Kayden. He was sitting casually on the edge of my bed with his legs widespread. He was bent, resting his elbows on his knees with his fingers intertwined. He looked unnaturally calm. His eyes on the other hand spoke another story. He was staring at the wall not blinking. It was quite clear that his mind was wandering around in some dark places. He sat still like a statue. I wasn't even sure if he was breathing. With his oddly pale complexion, he looked like a dead man. That wasn't normal, not even for an Ultrrian.

"What did you do then?" I broke the silence. He didn't move for a few more seconds. I frowned. Finally, he raised his eyebrows and let out a tired breath followed by a deep chuckle. He straightened his back and looked up as he ruffled his messy hair that constantly kept falling over his eyes. At last he looks at me completely emotionless.

"I killed them all with my bare hands", he said as the end of his lip twitched and somehow curved into his signature evil-smirk, "All of them, except that doctor...classic isn't it?"

He laughed humorlessly and lied down putting his hands under his head "I spent a year trying to find her just roaming around checking every region and wild camp – nothing. It's like she disappeared. I swear to you now: when I find her, not even her God will be able to save her from me"

Those words were filled with pure rage and hate in its pristine form. Poisonous tone floated in the air like some kind of insane echo. I've never heard someone speak like that.

"You're not alone, you know", I stated, "Not as long as I'm breathing"

"You don't even know me", he drawled with saddened tone hiding in between his words. I rolled my eyes.

"Your stupidity deeply disturbs me", I said and he chuckled waving me off, "I am serious, you're my brother and brothers stick together. You remember that, right?"

"How can I not?" he snorted, "Your mother drilled that sentence deep into my brain so I can't forget it even if I want to"

I laughed and got up.

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