Kayden's story: Part 2

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6 years later

Years pass by slowly, especially if you are the only twelve-year-old on big ship full of old people.

Finally the journey was coming to its end. After six boring years of being trapped in that ship, Kayden was going to step a foot out of it. Just a few more days.

Actually he couldn't say it was always boring, well maybe most of the time, but sometimes, very rarely, he was glad he is where he is. Kayden had fun when they were flying through Galactic center and they had to constantly dodge massive objects.

Other than that he entertained himself by pranking his father and that one grumpy lady that constantly screamed at him.

Also a year ago, Sonia gave birth to a baby, so he wasn't the youngest at last.

Kayden walked out of his room to find his father. Everyone called him Captain so he started doing it as well.

He opened the door of his room and found it empty. He must've been in control room. As he thought of that, Kayden swirled around on his heel and changed his direction. He came to know every bit of that ship and he could easily find his way around even if he was blindfolded. With now long steps, he crossed the small distance very fast. He was just about to come in when he felt a tug on his shirt.

Beside him stood Bay; Sonia's daughter. She looked at Kayden with big smile and stretched out her small hands. He picked her up chuckling and came into control room.

"Kayden, Bay, what are you two doing here?" Captain asked. Kayden looked down at Bay noticing small pink stain on her gray t-shirt.

"We just came to see what you are up to", he said as he tried to remove it knowing how angry Sonia will get when she finds out Bay has been fiddling with oh-so-precious washing helpers, "When are we going to land?"

"Well, we are landing sooner than we thought, kid", his father answered enthusiastically. Kayden looked up and widened his eyes.

"What? When?"

Captain smiled to himself and shook his head. He loved seeing his little boy happy. A genuine smile made his eyes shine brighter. He had never seen that before and it just confirmed his beliefs that his boy was one of a kind. He, for some reason, liked annoying people, but he could never hurt anyone - not even a bug. And the way he took care of little Bay surely made him proud. Captain knew that, when the time comes, he will be a wonderful father – definitely nothing like him. He did try to make up for his mother's betrayal by being the best version of himself for his son, but it just wasn't enough.

Sometimes it seemed like Kayden completely forgot about her though, but Captain could not even if he wanted to. It was such an injustice – what she did to his son... and to him.

"In an hour or so", he replied after Kayden had called his name a few times and then motioned Kayden to come closer, "See that blue planet? That is our new home"

Kayden looked out in awe and laughed excited.

"It's beautiful", he said and jumped up and down slightly from excitement. Bay whined and slapped his hand. He laughed again and ruffled her hair.

"I think you should take her to her mother and tell everyone to get ready for landing, kid"

He nodded enthusiastically, ran out and did what his father told him to do.

* * *

Loud beeping started and it was a sign to sit tightly. Kayden was still running around and checking on everybody.

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