Chapter 25 II Bad boy Alien Prince

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Rose's POV

After classes have ended, Layla, Daniel, Cole, Cora and I rushed out. Ethan was sick today so there were only five of us.

We decided to go to Layla's and Daniel's favorite café.

All the way to there, Cora and Layla kept arguing. It was annoying, not just to me, but to everyone.

When we finally reached it, we saw that there were a lot of people sitting and chatting there. It seemed so normal.

"Almost felt like before, ain't it", Cole said with his light Scottish accent.

"And then you see those ugly eyes all over the place and remember that we are prisoners", Daniel added. I frowned at that. Since when was he so hateful towards Ultrrians?

I opened my mouth to say something but Layla cut me off by saying that is time to go in unless we want to look like losers.

Everyone laughed and Cora said something under her breath.

Layla raised her eyebrow ignoring whatever Cora said and opened doors.

As we went in, everyone shut up and looked at us. I shrugged it off and sat in one of empty chairs in the corner. Others did the same.

"Keep the heid, don't let glowing-eyes-freaks shake you", Cole said.

"That means stay calm, or?" Cora asked.

"Aye, love"

"Don't call me that every again", Cora said twisting a strand of hair around her finger.

"Are you even serious right now?" Layla said raising her eyebrow.

"Here we go again", Daniel whispered so only I could hear him.

I chuckled and waved the waiter to come. The waiter was few years older than us. He kind of looked familiar with his blonde hair and those glowing blue eyes.

"You're humans", he said with a smile that seemed genuine.

"Well, obviously", Cole said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, we are", Cora said almost in the same time as Cole. I could see her seductive mode coming out. Layla huffed and looked away from her with her arms crossed on her chest.

"So cool... Anyways what do you want?" waiter asked as he took his little notebook and pen.

We ordered coffee and water. Waiter left, so the conversation continued itself where it left off.

"It's nice to be out finally", I said to Daniel ignoring Cora's and Layla's fight. As much as I didn't like it, that much Cole enjoyed it.

"It would be nicer if we didn't have to go back", he said as the waiter came with our drinks. Well, that was fast. He put it on the table and left us with a smile.

I sighed and took a sip of my coffee. It felt so good to taste it after all this time. I missed it so much.

As I was enjoying the moment somebody came in. Everyone was quiet again, just like when we first came in.

My back was facing the door so I didn't see who it was.

"Stop staring like we just killed someone", I heard a voice behind me say. I rolled my eyes recognizing it - Kayden. The day couldn't pass without me seeing him. How wonderful.

People started talking again and everything went back to normal. Maybe it was a rule on Ultrron that everyone has to stop talking when someone new comes in.

I wanted to turn around and see if Adrian was with him, but I didn't. I was secretly hoping he wasn't, because if he was here I had to talk to him. I promised myself that I will.

About five minutes later I discreetly turned around and spotted Kayden sitting at the bar with a cigarette in his mouth. I noticed that he was the only one smoking; not just here and today, but ever. Next to him was a tall, muscular guy with straight, short, dark blonde hair – Adrian.

I frowned and got back to my coffee. So the game plan was simple. I was going to walk to him after I finish my drink and ask him if he could talk to me.

No big deal, no need to get nervous.

Just when I took my last sip a heard something breaking. I turned in direction from which sound came and saw pissed off Adrian and Kayden smirking.

"I've had enough of you for one day", he said in low voice pointing at Kayden and ran out. There's my chance. Should I go or not? I weighed my options. Maybe I should talk to him tomorrow or next week. Maybe I should just stay here with my coffee and not do anything. Come on, man up... stop being such a girl – I thought to myself. That was one very sexist thought.

"Well at least I don't stall and just do what I want to do", Cora yelled at Layla. Well if I needed any kind of sign to tell me what to do, that was it. I stood up and took my bag.

"Where are you going?" Layla asked me curiously switching her focus from Cora to me.

"I'll tell you later, I need to go...err... have fun", I said and speed-walked out. That was smooth, really smooth.

Huh, what now? I looked around and he was nowhere to be seen. I had no idea where to go. I started walking towards park, I'm not sure why exactly.

I took few turns and suddenly found myself on a big path. On both sides there were trees. There was no leafs left. Sun hid itself behind a big white cloud so everything looked a bit sad.

Every here and there - was a bench. This place didn't look this good last time I saw it. I sighed and my breath made a little cloud. I smiled. I never liked cold weather. Only thing that was good about it was the fact you gain ability to have dragon breath.

I made a lap around the park and decided to give up. Who knows where he left? He could be anywhere.

I sat on one bench and hugged myself trying to warm up.

What did I think? What would I say anyways? I don't even know the guy. He probably hates me. What did I want to achieve? Am I being a coward? I sighed again.

"Looking for me?" I heard Adrian's voice. I lifted my head to see him standing right in front of me. His face was emotionless.

"Yes", I said simply. That seemed to surprise him.


I stood up. Why was I looking for him? What should I say?

"I don't know"

He put his hands in his pockets and looked at me frowning. I took a deep breath. Don't be coward Rose.

"Actually there is something I wanted to say", I said quickly. He frowned even more. This is not going according to my plan. I started playing with my fingers. I was getting nervous. No, no, no I need my head in the game now.

"What?" he asked taking a step towards me. He was tall. Yeah.

"Hmm, maybe it's better if I show you", I said and took a step towards him. He looked confused.

I honestly don't know where the sudden burst of confidence came from. I put my hands on his neck and lowered him down locking our lips together. As soon as I touched him I could feel tingling. He was surprised at first, but soon he got the hold of situation.

The moment of truth. If he backs away - I made a mistake and I would probably run and try to avoid him forever. If he stays, which thing is highly unlikely – hmm...I don't know then. So what will it be?

He put his hands on my waist bringing me closer to him and kissed me back. His lips were perfect; so soft. He was amazing kisser.

I tangled my hands in his hair and he pulled my even closer. It felt so good - so right. That tingling spread through my whole body making my blood boil and giving me good kind of chills.

I slowly pulled back with my eyes still closed. In that moment I knew that what I felt was real. I fell for a bad boy alien prince. It sounds crazy.

"Tell me I'm not crazy", I whispered not opening my eyes. 

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