Chapter 38 II No stopping now

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Rose's POV

I walked close to Adrian with my hand in his. It is funny how a simple gesture like that can make my heart skip a few beats... how his hand feels like it's made for mine. Tingles radiated from that spot as he led me through countless halls and narrow passages. I didn't really pay much attention to where we're going, but I did notice that we walked for quite some time. "This place is bigger than it looks... if that's even possible", I thought. I had no idea where I was. My inability of navigating in space certainly wasn't helping.

Maybe he took me here to kill me?

I laughed at that thought. I don't know why, but I trusted Adrian, although he gave me no reason to do so... at least with my life.

Adrian squeezed my hand and glanced at me with questioning look in his eyes and gorgeous smile on his lips.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked as we took another turn.

"Oh...well... I just thought of something funny", I said. It was crazy enough from me to laugh out of blue without mentioning that I was laughing at the impossibility of him taking my life.

He flashed me another one of his smiles and continued looking forward. Just before the next turn, he stopped. In first few seconds I didn't acknowledge it so I took a few steps stretching our intertwined hands. He used it and with a slight tug he pulled me back - straight to his chest. Once again I found myself feeling safe in his dangerous embrace. His look was so warm that it melted my heart as easily as the summer Sun does to an abandoned ice-cube. He lifted his free hand to my cheek and caressed it lightly. His lips stretched into small smile and he closed his eyes. What happened and why was a mystery to me, but I let it go. He pulled me closer into a full hug and leaned his chin to my forehead. Why can't he be like that all the time, was a million-dollar question.

"We're almost there", he whispered into my hair and moved away.

I nodded and we continued.

When his proximity stopped clouding my judgment, I realized how weird that moment was. Then it felt just right, and now it looked as inconsistent as everything he did. For a hundredth time I came to a conclusion that he was a player. He must've enjoyed studying my reactions to his acts. Or, maybe he pitied me. Somehow the latter sounded way worse and way more likely.

For another few minutes I struggled to keep up with him and suddenly we stopped.

I looked around and saw beautifully decorated walls and big door in which were carved the most marvelous figures. They did not move, but it certainly seemed like they were dancing. All negative thoughts simply vanished before the incredible view. It was a heaven for artists.

I awed and released a breath I did not know I was holding.

In the middle of that not-so-big room was a table made of same wood as the door. There was nothing carved on it but it was still very admirable. On high ceiling was a lavishly jeweled chandelier. Shelves in various shapes held big books with old covers on the each side of the room. In the corner dominated baroque sofa. Entire floor was covered in glorious white carpet. I didn't know where to look first. I just gaped like a fish.

"Wait till you see what is on the other side of the door", Adrian said from behind me.

I trembled from his hot breath and proximity I was not aware of. He put his hands on my upper arms and guided me towards the door.

As we came closer, door slowly opened letting the cold night breeze in. We made few more steps leaving the mansion. Soft grass grew just on the other side of the entrance so it seemed like we were entering a whole new world – from sophisticated and playful stiffness of human construction to the nature's masterpiece that can only be depicted as something unexplainably beautiful. Goosebumps appeared all over my body and my breath was caught in my throat. I couldn't move; I could only stare in trance captivated by extraordinary magnificence.

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