Chapter 11 II I'm not helping you

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I opened my eyes. I was on cold floor and hair was sticking on my face, God how I hate it. I moved it from my face with one of my shaky hands. I felt burning pain in my back.

In few seconds my eyes focused and I saw Kayden and Adrian fighting.

I was still kind of dizzy and I couldn't move.

My back was killing me.

I gritted my teeth and slowly moved my hand in front of my face and saw it was bloody.

"Guess that my job here is done"- Kayden said.

What job? What were they doing to me?

Kayden left and Adrian looked at the door for few moments. Then he turned to me. He took a step towards me.

I winced.

I tried to get up, but I couldn't.

My back was on fire.

"What have they done to you?"- he said looking at me with compassion.

I was confused. Why would he say that?

He took another step and I succeeded to crawl a bit.

"Don't come any closer"- I crocked trembling.

"I won't hurt you. I just want to help"

"You've helped enough"

"Don't be stubborn. If I wanted to do something I already would"

I was close the wall so I lifted myself a little bit. I was semi-sitting and breathing heavily. I looked at him. He didn't seem like he's going to kill me. He didn't look like he won't either.

"Why do you want to help me?"- I asked in hoarse voice.

It hurt so badly.

"Because you're hurt"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I do"

I eyed him skeptically. After few moments I gave in and nodded. He came closer and sat in front of me.

"Let me see it"- he ordered.

I started to turn. It hurt. A lot. I sucked air trying to make it easier.

Now, I was sitting turned away from him.

"You got to be kidding me"- he murmured.

"That bad?"- I asked and tried to laugh and failed. My hands were trembling and they couldn't support me so I just leaned to the wall lifelessly.

He moved my hair to the front careful not to touch me.

"Does it hurt?"


He was close. Way too close.

He carefully lifted me up bridal style and walked to some old couch. I felt slight electricity on places where his skin touched mine. He put me down and sat behind me.

He laid his finger on my shoulder and started to go down. Electricity followed.

"What are you doing?" I felt tickling around my eyes and some kind of weird relief.

"Just let me. I know what I'm doing"- he responded.

That excitement came again. He didn't move away.

My back didn't ache anymore, it tickled. He continued slowly going up and down my back drawing some kind of shapes on my back. It felt so good.

"You won't believe me but..."- he started saying and then he stopped not knowing what to say.

He cleared his throat and backed off.

I turned to him with no effort.

"Your eyes are glowing"

"Yea, so are yours", I paused, "What were you going to say?"

"Your back- it's healed, mostly"

"What?! How?"- I asked as I touched it. There was blood, but nothing else; maybe few cuts.

"Isn't it obvious?"- he asked as he leaned on the couch. He looked tired.

There was awkward silence. I was the one who broke it.

"So, what now?"

"You can't go upstairs like that"

"Like what?"

He arched an eyebrow and gave me half-smile.

"You haven't seen yourself, have you?"

I lowered my head and my mouth dropped open because of what I saw. My t-shirt was completely ripped. I was basically sitting in front of him in my bra. Besides that, I was covered in blood. In my blood. My hair was sticky. I probably looked like a swamp monster.

"You're right, but I need to go, bus is waiting"- I said.

"I have a plan", he said few moments later, "Come on"

He walked out and I followed. We were going by the stairs to the first floor. He was lading me to the locker rooms. I didn't understand what is he trying to do. When we entered the showers I got it.

"Wash your hair here. We'll say that I accidentally poured coffee all over you. I'll give you my t-shirt; I have spare one on my locker."

"Why were you walking with coffee in an empty school?"

"I was bringing it to Ma-Lea, because she wasn't feeling good"

"And she will support your story"

"Well, she won't know any better"

"Okay"- I said confused and waited for him to leave. He didn't move.

"What are you waiting for? An invitation?"- he asked.

"Ha-ha funny. Leave!"

"Why?"- he asked amused.

"Just leave"

"Humans and their fake shyness"- he mumbled as he left.

I washed blood off of me and dried myself. I was wondering why he was helping me. It was weird that he confronted his best friend to save me.

I was putting my pants on when he walked in.

"You know, there is this thing called knocking..."

"I'm aware"- he cut me off and handed me shirt. I could see that it was way too big for me.

"Are you going to take it or not?"

"Yes, okay, fine"- I said as I put it on. It reached to my mid thigh.

"Let's go"- he said as he started to walk. I had a little trouble keeping up with him.

"So why are you helping me?"- I blurted.

"I'm not helping you - I'm helping that poor idiot to get himself out of this mess"- he said not looking at me. It hurt in some twisted way.

"You mean: trying to help him cover up attempt of murder"

"He wouldn't have killed you..."

"And you know that for a fact"- I cut him off.

"Okay, we're going to put it this way: I saved you life and in return you're going to keep that pretty mouth of yours shut"

"You're such a..."

"Of course if you are capable of keeping a secret. History of your people says otherwise"- he continued not paying attention on me.

"We're not all the same"- I just said and speed-walked leaving him behind.

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