Chapter 10 II Shame on you

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I'm soooo sorry I'm late, school is basically killing me right now. Buuut, guess what? I finally decided who to cast as Adrian (There's picture on the side) and ...what do we have here... oh it is Adrian's POV. Hope you like it.

Adrian's POV

I was walking back and forth in front of school entrance. Bus hasn't left yet. Humans were sitting on benches. They should have been gone by now.

I glanced on the clock on my hand. I was standing here for half an hour. That was way too long. Something wasn't right. I lost my patience and went to them.

"Hey", I yelled, "Why are you still here?"

"We're waiting on Rose"- said the short girl with brown hair. I couldn't remember her name.

"Why? Where is she?"

"Why do you care?"

"Don't be a smart-ass and just tell me where is she."

"Don't talk to her like that"- a guy with black hair said. I did remember his name. It was Daniel. I remembered him just because he was annoying shit out of me.

"She's with Ma-Lea, no. 3 classroom. They're talking about thing that had happened today, you know, the touching"- a bit taller, platinum blonde girl said. She flipped her hair and puffed up her chest. I just couldn't believe she was trying to seduce me right now. Humans are so primitive.

And then it came to me.

"Shit"- I said as I ran back at the school. I quickly found the classroom and went inside. It was empty. As I was going out I smelled something weird.


That son of a...

I was wondering where he found it. It doesn't grow here. And more importantly what did he do with the girl?

I stood and thought for a moment. First I went to find Ma-Lea. I searched whole first floor and she was nowhere to be found. I was about to go up on a second floor when I saw her. She was curled up in corner of the elevator.

I sighed. She was sleeping. I shut the elevator doors and decided to take the stairs.

School was empty.

I checked everything.



I should have think of that sooner. I should have check that first. I went downstairs as quickly as I could.

On few last steps I saw drops of blood. I clenched my jaw and kept going. There was dark hallway with five doors. Drops of blood were going to the last door.

I opened them and saw her.

She was lying on the floor. Her t-shit was ripped and bloody. There was blood all over her back, like someone has dragged her all the way down here. It made me angry. I don't know why.

Kayden was standing in front of her and he was laughing to something other guy said. There were four of them including Kayden.

"You idiotic asshole"- I said as I punched him in the face. He stumbled back and smiled.

"Look who finally decided to join the party"- he said as he wiped blood from his lip.

"What did you do to her?"- I asked.

"Oh, I didn't do anything. These guys did"- he said pointing at the three.

"Get out!"- I yelled at them. They left the room in seconds leaving just me, Kayden and Rose.

She was still unconscious.

"I won't ask you again"- I said to Kayden. He smirked and crossed hands on his chest.

"What? Got a thing for a helpless human?"

"Kayden - don't test me"

"I told you already. Those brainless tools just dragged her here I didn't do anything"

"And what were you going to do to her - cuddle her to death?"

"I wasn't going to hurt her...a lot. Or was I?"- he made fake thoughtful face.

"You're an idiot. Do you know who is she?"

"Oh I know"- he said nodding.

"Leave, I'll try to fix your mess"

"Come on. Where's your sense of adventure?"

"Adventure?! It's savagery. We're not supposed to be like that. Maybe you spent too much time around them that you have became as wild as they are"- I said furious.

"Oh, I understand that you're upset"- Kayden responded with that stupid smirk his face.

"God damn you, idiot. Why did you take her?"

"Because", he drawled, "I knew you'll try to protect the bus, so I found a new plan – and you ruined it. Bu-hu, shame on you"

I went through my hair with my hand. This is not the Kayden I remember. Although, Kayden that I remember was a happy six-year-old boy

"What happened to you, bratu?"- I asked.

"You have no idea"- he said and smiled.

"Guess that my job here is done"- he said after few moments and just left.

I turned to see a girl. She opened her eyes slightly. She looked so weak and fragile. I took few steps toward her. She winced.

"What have they done to you?"

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