Chapter 18

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A/N : I want to dedicate this chapter to whatsmyusername17 for her support and encourangement for me to continue posting this story... Thanks my friend... you are awesome.....


Chapter 18

Leo was watching TV at his apartment when it stopped for commercial. He normally would change to another channel when it comes to commercial but this time he didn’t because the model has caught his eyes. She look familiar, he told himself. Could that be? He doesn’t even realize that he’s been staring at her until the commercial ended.

God, it is her and she’s beautiful. More beautiful than he could remember and those lips, gosh. He hissed, angry with himself. Why does he still thinking of her after all this years? Why he couldn’t forget her? Damn it, he scolded himself. Forget that bitch. She betrayed and used you, his mind told him.

He couldn’t believe that after what he did, after he admitted his feelings and defended her, she betrayed him and told him she doesn’t need him anymore. He couldn’t believe that she’s willing to take the money offered by his mother. He never believed she’s that type of girl and worst thing was to admit that his mother was right. Well, people always say that mother knows best, well it’s proved it then.

After all these years he could still never forget her. He still couldn’t stop thinking of her even when he’s been with other girls, she keep coming into his mind. He remember once time when he’s with a girl and they got intimate, he called out her name making the girl pissed off and kick him out from her room.

He still remembered that fateful incident, the day his mother caught them together. After Luna left with Nikita, his mother had force him to follow her back home with her driver’s help. Back home his mother told him that he was grounded and locked in his room with a guard guarding outside. Even his phone was taken away from him.

A few hours later, his mother had come into his room and tried coaxed telling him that she’s doing it for his sake. She told him that Luna and her mom had demanded some money to leave Leo’s alone and she told him that they have taken the money.

“I don’t believe you!!’ he hissed at his mother, “Luna would never do that!!” he defended.

“You don’t believe me? Just go and ask her,” his mother said to him, “She had demanded USD30,000.00 from me and I’ve paid her that sum to her.”

“I still don’t believe you. Luna will never ask any money from you nor will she demand any. She’s not that type of a girl. She loves me and I love her. We love each other. Money couldn’t buy our love!!” he fumed at his mother.

“You think love is everything? Well you are wrong young man. With money you could achieve what you want in this world and that bitch knows that. That’s why she’s using you,” sneered his mother.

“I said stop calling her that!!!” he demanded again “She’s not that type of girl. She’s not like you who always think money is everything!!”

“How dare you!!” his mother slapped him across his face, “Look what that bitch has done to you? You were never rude to me and talk to me that way before! I will call her whatever I want!!” yells his mother, “And as long as you are still staying in this house you are bound to follow whatever I say, do you understand that? I’ll let you go once you come to your senses,” his mother said sternly before walking out from his room locking the door.

He cursed and threw a picture frame to the door when he heard something was knocking his window. He went over and saw Andrew on a tree next to his window. Why didn’t he thinks about the window the first place, stupid him, he scolded himself.

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