Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Leo had just turned off his phone after a conversation with his grandfather. He turned and looked at Luna who was watching him anxiously. He smiled, “Well, grandpa is very thrilled with the news,” he told her happily, “He wanted to see you. He wanted me to bring you to Boston to meet him when you fully recovered.”

“Really?” asked Luna but with a worried voice.

“Yeah, really,” nodded Leo, “Don’t worry, Grandpa is great and understanding unlike my mother,” he told her. “I’m very sure you could make him fall in love with you just like you did to me,” he joked.

Luna smiled but still couldn’t help her wondering about other matters, “How about your parents?” she asked.

“I didn’t manage to get them. They didn’t answer the phone, most probably they’re busy with business clients or whatever,” he shrugged,”Don’t worry they will eventually know the news. Grandpa would definite tell them about it.”

The truth was Leo didn’t want to call his mother in front of Luna. He didn’t want her to hear his conversation between him and his mother. He knew that once her mother knew about he’s getting marry, she will definitely call him and demand to know about the girl. Leo didn’t know what his mother reaction would be if she found out that he’s marrying Luna. He too hoped that his mother would finally accepted Luna into the family without any rejection but no matter what’s going to happen, he’s ready to protect his Luna and stand on his decision into making her his. He’s not going to let his mother separate them ever again.

Luna smiled again tried her best not to show her nervousness and worried about what going to happen when his parents especially his mother when they know about the news but no matter what, Leo could still sense it.

He walked over to her and pulled her into his arms, “Don’t worry Lu,” he comforted her; “Nothing she can say would make me change my mind about you. I’m here to protect you and I’ll protect you from her. You can be sure about that.”

Still smiling Luna touched face, “I know you will Leo but it would be really great if your mother would accept me as part of your family.”

“Well, she has no reason not to anymore. The last time she didn’t want you because you’re her maid’s daughter and not the same standard. Well you are not anymore and you even are the same standard as she is right now, so there are definitely no reasons for her to deny you anymore. She has to accept you.” Leo said to her.

“Yep, you are right,” chuckled Luna but deep in her heart, she really hoped so.

That night Luna was already sleeping when Leo’s phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and immediately got up and went out of the room. He didn’t want Luna to hear his conversation with the caller, who was actually his mother which he had been expected.

“Leo,” she started off upon hearing his voice, “Your grandfather told me that you’ll going to get married, is that true?” she asked.

“Yes mother. It is true,” he briefly told her.

“Who is she?” she asked, “Your grandfather told me that she’s a model?”

“Yes, mother she’s a model,” he said to her, “A famous model. You definitely know her,” he mocked.

“Really, I know her?” his mother asked again. “Well if she’s a famous model I would definitely know her. She must be very beautiful,” she said to him.

“Oh yes. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever meet. She’s beautiful, sweet and loving, everything that I ever wanted in a woman and I love her so much,” he told her.

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