Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Luna was busy checking the documents in office when her staff called her, “Lu, there’s a customer outside insist you attend to him.”

“Who is it? Do you know?’ asked Luna looking at her desk.

“No, never seen him here before. He didn’t want to tell his name. He just said that he’s your good friend,” she told Luna. Luna thought for a while wondering who could that be. She smiled thinking most probably its Zen because he told her that he will be coming up to New York soon.  Happily she stood up and went outside to greet him but she didn’t find him there but instead it was someone else. Even from the back Luna could recognize who he is. Damn, she curses in her head. What the hell is he doing here? To make her world goes upside down again? Calm down, she told herself, take a deep breath and relax but as she approached him her heart started to beat wildly again and her hands started to shake. Damn, damn, damn, she cursed. She turned around back to her office unable to face him.

”Tell him I’m not around,” Luna told her staff who was looking weirdly at her.

“I can’t Lu,” she said nervously, “I’ve told him you are in.”

“Damn,” Luna cursed softly don’t know what to do. She walked around her room to calm down. “Tell him I’ll be out in a minute,” she told her staff and walked into the restroom.

She twisted on the tap and let the water runs before scooping it in her hands washing her face. Damn, why she needs to do that, she asked herself. She looked at her nervous face in the mirror. Why is she feeling nervous about seeing him again? “You acting like a fool,” she scolded her image in the mirror loudly.

“Go there a face him again. Show him that he means nothing to you and what he done to you doesn’t affect you at all. You’re a strong girl. You can cope with it. You have been strong all these years and why can you be the same again. You hurt him and he had his revenge on you. You don’t owe him anything anymore. No more guilt, nothing!” she said loudly as if talking to someone else, “It’s time you get him out from your system! Come on girl. You can do it!!”

She wipes her face with a towel and went back to her office, taking her make-up kit with her back to the restroom. She put back some powder, a bit of lipsticks and a mascara, to make her eyes look stronger, well in actual fact covering her swollen and tired eyes from him. She didn’t want him to see her looking weak and vulnerable. She needed to look strong in front of him.

She look at herself in the mirror after applying all the make-up, “You go girl, be strong. He’s not worth it,” giving encouragements softly to herself again.

She went to her office and put the make-up kit on her table and walked back outside. Before approaching Leo, she straightened up herself and inhaled deeply.  “Hi Leo,” she greeted him with a confident voice, “What a surprise to see you here?”

Leo got up from his seat and smiled at Luna, “Was it a pleasant surprise?” he chuckled.

Luna rolled her eyes and smirked, “What can I do for you Leo?” she went straight to the point.

Leo was taken back by her action and he could see that she’s not happy to see him, “Aren’t you happy to see me?” he voiced out his thought but in a mocking way, “I remember you were very happy to see me the last time? It has been a month since we seen each other. Don’t you miss me?”

Luna did her best to hide the irritation feeling when he said that but before she could reply him, he added, “Oh of course you don’t, you have someone to help you to forget about me,” he mocked again.

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