Chapter 36

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Meet the mother


Chapter 36

“Hey baby,” Leo whispered softly on Luna’s ear waking her up from her sleep.

“Hmm,” replied Luna yawning and rubbing her eyes, “Why are you all dressed up?” she asked when she realized Leo in his business suit. “What time is it?”

“It’s 8.30 am. I’m sorry I have to wake you up, baby,” he apologize, “My secretary called this morning, saying I have to attend one urgent meeting,” he told her playing with her hair, “So I have to go the office and I’ll be back as soon as I finished it, ok.”

“Hmm,” Luna nodded her head, “It’s ok,” smiling sweetly at Leo, ‘I’ll be here and I won’t be going anywhere.”

Leo smiled back, “I know you won’t be going anywhere but I don’t want you to do anything in the house. If you need anything, call Anna. She will get it for you ok.”

Luna groaned, “Leo, I’m fine already. I can do everything myself.”

“No, you’re not,” Leo shook his head, “Today is you second day out from the hospital and the doctor said you still need to rest, so promised me you will rest. If not I’m going to tie you to the bed prevent you from moving at all. Now promised me,” Leo demanded.

Luna sighed loudly before playfully salute Leo, “Yes, aye, aye, SIR,” pouting her lips at him.

Leo chuckled, “That’s my girl,” he said before kissing her on the lips. He intended to just give her a small peck but once his mouth stated to taste hers, his lose all control and deepened his kiss making the both moaned.

“You better stop,” Luna warned while her lips still on his, “You don’t want to be late for your meeting.”

Leo said shaking his head, “I’m going to call my secretary to have someone attend on my behalf.”

Luna playfully hit his shoulders, “No!” she chuckled, “You have to go. It’s must be very important, that’s why your secretary informed you.”

Leo whined and laid his head on Luna shoulders making Luna laughed, “Come on,” she said pushing him away, “You have to attend the meeting. The earlier you get it started, the earlier you can come home,” she coaxed him got up and pulled him with her getting out of the room.

She dragged him until the reached the front door. She turned around and adjusted his tie and blazer, “Now go and come home A.S.A.P,” she told him before giving him a peck on his lips.

Leo grunted and tried to pull her for more, “No,” she shook her head, “Go and I’ll give you more when you come home,” she said sternly to him and opened the door.

Leo sighed, “Alright,” he said and walked out, “Love you, baby,” he smiled and waved.

Luna smiled and blown him a kiss, “Love you too. Hurry home, ok,” she told him.

“Most definitely,” he said before walking out for sure this time.

It was nearly lunch when Luna received Leo’s message informing her that his meeting has to be dragged until the afternoon. Luna sighed reading his message. It’s only been half day but she already started to miss him.

She was watching TV in the living room when she heard the door bell, “It’s ok Anna, I’ll get it,” she told her maid before standing up walked over to open the door. Her jaw nearly dropped to the ground when she saw that person standing in front of her. Her face immediately turned pale.

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