Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Luna could hear Leo's soft snore besides her. His both hands nicely wrapped around her. He's immediately falls into a deep sleep after they made love. Made love? Luna asked herself. Yes. It was making love for her. He did not FUCK her this time but make love to her instead. She could feel the different between this one and the first time they did it together. The first time was rushed, urgent and eager but this time he was passionate and tender. She didn't care what he thinks about it later, but to her, they made love. She sighed. He probably wouldn't remember what they just did because he's drunk. He will have hangover tomorrow and probably forgotten why he was here, she thought.

She turned and looked at his sleeping face. She softly traced her fingers on his face. His looked calm while he was sleeping, the seriousness on his face vanished when he’s sleeping. She has always been dreaming of waking up with him beside her; dreaming of cuddling in his arms and teasing each other before getting out of the bed together. She wondered if that would remain a dream forever. God, she wanted this man. She desired this man and worst she think she couldn't stopped loving this man even when he thought nothing of her but just as someone to fulfill his desire.

She sighed again. Would he ever love her again? She knew he wanted and desired for her but will he ever love her again. Will he love her if she told him the truth about what happened 8 years ago? Will she be happy if he loved her again while he hated his mother for doing all those things to them? Will she be happy if she’s been accused as someone who break-up a mother and son bonding? She sighed again. If she could live for 8 years with him hating her, why not just continued living with it? Yeah she could live with that forever. She looked at him again before got up from the crammed single bed. She pulled a duvet over him and kissed him on the forehead leaving him to his slumber sleep.

Leo was already awake but didn't open his eyes. He smiled thinking of the last night event with Luna. They made love last night, together. Last night was different from the first night he had her. Last night was beautiful, he smiled again. Last night was exactly what he been dreaming and wanting to do with her, making love together.

His moved his hands to search for her but he was shocked to find no one. He immediately opened his eyes and realized that he was on the bed alone. Was last night a dream? He asked himself but when he looked at his surrounding he realized that he was in her room. Her make-up set on the table and the gown she's wearing last night were hanged nicely on her wardrobe door and he could smell her sweet scent in the room. No, he's not dreaming, he smiled, he’s in her room.

He looked at his watch and it showed 9.30 in the morning. He got up, putting on his boxer short and washed himself before going out of the room. The smell of the sausages and aroma coming from the kitchen indicated to him that she's in there. He headed directly towards the kitchen and saw her standing at the stove in a pantsuit and yellow tank top looking so sexy. She didn't realize he was watching her. He smiled and sneaked up towards her slowly. When he reached behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck making her jumped in surprised but Leo held her tightly and continued kissing her neck. She stiffened at his touched.

“Good morning,” he murmured in her neck giving Goosebumps all over her body but it feels so good in his arms right now. She remained quiet, don't know how to react.

“I tried to reach for you but you're gone,” he murmured again.

Luna turned around and looked at him in shocked, “You remember? You were drunk last night,” she said,

Leo smiled, “I don’t remember all but only the best one,” he said making her blushed. He pulled her nearer, “Last night was beautiful,” he whispered on her lips before kissing her fully. Luna did not hesitate to accept it.

The smell of something burning made Luna pulled away from him, “Gosh, you make me burned our breakfast,” she playfully scolded him while immediately turned off the stove and put the burning pan in the sink rinsing it.

Leo laughed and pulled her back facing him, “I don't want sausage for breakfast, I want you,” he said looking at her with desire in his eyes giving her Goosebumps and blushed again. Leo kissed her again and she continued wrapping her arms around his neck as he carried her up towards the master bedroom.

“Leo, my room is the other way,” she said when she realized where he’s taking her.

“I know but this room has bigger bed,” he told her making Luna laughed.

Leo has his arm wrapped around her holding her tightly after they made love again, feeling happy and complete, “Don't you feel happier that you finally listen to what you want?” he asked to her while kissing her shoulders.

Luna nodded in agreement while Leo continued talking, “I want you Luna. I can't stop myself for wanting you. I tried to get you out of my system last one month but I still can't and last night was my last blow.” He turned her around laid her on her back facing up at him, “I know you want me too Luna and I think we are great together especially in bed,” he said smiling at blushing Luna.

“I have a proposal for you,” he continued, “Let's put all the past behind us. Forget all the past and whatever we have said to hurt each other and start all over again,” he suggested. “I want us to start new. What say you?” looking sincerely and deeply into her eyes.

Luna smiled and traced her fingers on his roughed face, “I'll accept you proposal,” Luna said to him, “But you must promised me one thing.”

Leo touched her fingers and kissed them one by one, “What's that?”

“You must promise to trust me,” Luna said to him, “I don't think I want to be with somebody who doesn't trust me.”

Leo smiled and put his right hand up as if taking an oath, “I promised,” he said.

Nodding her head Luna said, “Good, but if you ever asked me again whom I'm with, I'm going to.....” Leo silenced her with his full passionate kissed again making her forget whatever she wanted to say to him.

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