Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Leo was smiling but when he saw the doctor coming out from the emergency room, he immediately rushed towards him,” Doctor,” he called up. “How is she?” he urgently asked.

“She just had a minor injuries and she will be fine but she still weak because she lost a lot of blood,” he told him and gave Leo a sorry look,” But I’m sorry, she lost her baby due to the fall,” touching his shoulder as if calming him down. Nikita and Andrew were ready to comfort him. 

A guilty and regret feeling rushed through Leo making him sobbed, “Can I see her?” he asked in between his sob.

The doctor nodded his head, “Yes, but in a short while. The nurses will call you when she’s ready,” he told Leo before excused himself.

Leo could felt his knee weakened. He sat on the chair and cried until his whole body shaking, “I’ve killed our baby,” he weeps, “I don’t believe her when she told me that. Damn I’m so stupid.”

“It’s not your fault, Leo,” comfort Nikita, “It’s an accident.”

“Yes, Leo,” nodded Andrew, “It’s our fault too for keeping the truth from you. We are responsible what happened between you and Luna too.”

“Sorry, are you Ms Nikita and Mr. Andrew?” asked a nurse making them stopped their conversation.

“Yes,” Nikita replied while Andrew nodded.

“Ms Luna is asking for both of you,” she told her.

“She’s awake,” Leo asked the nurse urgently, “Can I see her?”

“I’m sorry, sir,” said the nurse, “She only wanted to see Miss Nikita and Mr. Andrew, she doesn’t want anyone else.’

“I demand to see her!” he said angrily at the nurse, but both Andrew and Nikita stopped him.

“Calm yourself down, Leo;” Andrew said to him, “Let Nikita goes to see her first.”

“Yes, Leo,” nodded Nikita. “Let me go and see her.”

“But,” he tried to protest but Nikita stopped him again.

“Give her time and I’ll explain to her,” she said.

Leo nodded his head softly, “Tell her I love her,” he said to Nikita.

“I will, you don’t have to worry,” smiled Nikita kissing his cheek and walked into the room.

 “Lu,” called Nikita and went over to hug her.

Luna sobbed on her shoulders, “I lost my baby. I lost my baby.”

“I’m so sorry honey,” Nikita cried with her, “You still young, you will have more. Leo will give you more.”

“No, I don’t want to have his baby anymore. I don’t want to be with him,” she sobbed, “He doesn’t trust me and I don’t want to with someone who doesn’t trust me. He killed my baby.”

“Lu, it’s an accident and you have to give him a chance,” coaxed Nikita while Luna continued shaking her head.

Luna cried and shook her head, “I don’t think I could ever love him again after what happen. I’ve pleaded to him and I even swear that the baby his but he still didn’t want to believe me. I’ve given him my all, Niki, to prove to him that I belong to him but yet, he didn’t trust me. He still thinks so low about me. How could I live with someone like that?”

“Lu,” Nikita tried to soothe her but she shook her head.

“No Niki. I can’t be with him anymore and I don’t think I would be able to forgive him.  I don’t think we both are meant to be together. Maybe we aren’t meant to be together in the beginning because every time we did, something will come in our way and I lost someone dear to me in between,” she weeps before continue,  “First my mom and now my baby,” and she cried harder on Nikita shoulders.

Nikita cried with her and they hugged tighter, “You can’t blame him alone for what happen. We all are to be blamed. We made him hate you. We made him felt betrayed by you. We made him not to trust anyone especially you.” Nikita continued while tenderly stroking her hair, “We all are a fault, Lu. We keep the truth from him. We decided ourselves what best for him instead of letting him decide. We chose the path for him instead of letting him chose.” She pulled away making Luna looked at her, “If you love him, you’re forgive him and give him a chance to proved himself to you,” she said softly to Luna.

“I don’t know Niki,” sobbed Luna, “I don’t think I’m ready to forgive him. I’m too hurt right now. Hurt that he didn’t believe me and trust me.

“I know how you felt honey,” soothed Nikita,”but give him a chance. When we told him the truth about what happened, he sobbed and cried Lu. He regrets everything that he had said and thought about you. He told us that he never stopped loving you. He told me to tell you that he loves you.” Luna looked at Nikita in surprised, “Yes, Lu. We’ve told him everything. We should have told him years ago and if we did, you would never lose your baby.”

Seeing Luna remained quiet, Nikita continued, “He in distraught as you are right now for losing his baby,” she told Luna softly, “And if you didn’t forgive him, I don’t think he would ever forgive himself either. Would you want him to live in regret for the rest of his lives?”

Hearing that, Luna weeping harder covered her face with her hand just shaking her head without saying a word. Part of her agreed with Nikita, while the other part of her was so hurt about what had just happened to just forgive him like that.

Nikita sadly looked at Luna and hugged her tightly, “Oh Lu, I'm so sorry for making you feel so bad. I didn't mean to do that,” she cried with Luna. “I just want what’s best for you and I think Leo is the best thing for you,” she explained, “I could see in both yours and his eyes when you talk about each other, when you looked at each other, there's love and passion.

“It might be there before,” said Luna in denial, “But I don't know there will be any now. I'm too hurt, Niki,” she weeps, “So deeply hurt.”

“I understand,” Nikita nodded, “And I and Andrew will never force you to do anything you don't want to do.”

Luna wipes her eyes upon hearing Andrew's name, “Where's Andrew?” she asked.

“He's outside with Leo,” Nikita told her softly, “He's comforting Leo. You want me to call him?”

Luna nodded, “Just him, please?” she cast a pleading look at Nikita.

Kissing her forehead, Nikita said, “Don't worry, I would not let Leo see you until you're ready to do so,” she comforted her and walked out of the room.

Outside, Leo was waiting anxiously. He wanted to see Luna, wanted to tell her how sorry he was, to tell her how much he still loves her and to tell her he wanted them to start all over. He silently prayed Luna would forgive him, would still love him and willing to start over. He couldn't think how his life would be if she wouldn’t do all that. He would live in regret for the rest of his life and he doesn't think he would ever forgive himself for being so blind and foolish.

When he saw Nikita came out from the room, he immediately rushed to her, “How is she?” he urgently asked but from the look of Nikita face he could tell Nikita has been crying with Luna, “Did she forgive me?” he asked again.

“You need to give her time, Leo,” Nikita told him with a sad voice, “She need time to heal and recover herself. She just lost her baby.”

Hearing those words, Leo weeps, “I know it. I know it. I know she would never forgive me. She's going to pushed me away from her again.”

“Oh, Leo,” Nikita hugged him while Andrew looked sadly at him, “We going to make sure she's not going to do that. Give her time, Leo. She'll come to her senses and forgive you. She's just hurt right now to think straight.”

“Yeah Leo,” nodded Andrew, “We going to ensure both of you together again. We didn't do that last time, but this time we going to ensure that. I promise you that Leo,” making Leo cast a hope smile at him, “This time, no matter what happen, don't ever give up on her,” Andrew encouraged him.

Leo nodded, “I'll never ever going to do that again,” he promised, “I'm going to win her heart again and this time I'm going to make sure that I didn't lose her again.”

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