Never A Perfect Time

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"My name is Lynsey, I'm 14, bi, Instagram is Lynseyadelinee

Okay, so I first came out to my friend Ash. We were texting one night, and I really wanted to tell her. She told me she had something to tell me but that she was scared. So I said I would tell her if she told me. She told me that she was bi and I was like DUDE ME TOO!!! Later, she came out to me as genderfluid and lesbian.

Then I came out to two other friends, who were totally okay with it.

My sister was next. I had just gotten myself a girlfriend (one of my friends that is pan) and she was like totally cool with it. She just wanted to know if I was sure and who my girlfriend was.

Fast forward 8 months later. I was at Ash's house. It was really late at night, and I kept thinking about how all my gay friends were out and I wasn't. I didn't want to be the only one so I was like "okay fuck this, get your shit together and grow a pair."

I sent a text to my ENTIRE family. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins.

I said "I have something to tell you all. I really don't care what you think of me, it's not your problem, I'm bisexual. If you don't like it then you can leave my life right now, because family is supposed to be loving and accepting no matter what I do."

My mom told me she had known for quite a while, she was proud of me for having the courage to come out, and she loved me no matter what. My dad and grandparents on my mom's side were also accepting, along with two aunts. My other grandparents and aunt never responded and they haven't talked to me since. That was 2 weeks ago."

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