Turtle Gang

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"Hi, I'm Katy/Kaden/Kai. I'm 13 years old and I'm genderfluid and pansexual. I'm keden.fandomss and lgbtpluss.rights on Instagram.

So my coming out story, a bit of a weird one, I'm not going to lie. I have came out to a few of my Internet friends (aka like 5) and they were all super cool with it.

I was just on Instagram, as I usually am tbh, and I checked my DM's. I saw that my friend Dani was online. At the time I hadn't came out to her just thought I'd say that. Dani is obsessed with turtles and with every sentence, will use a turtle emoji. We started talking and suddenly she started saying some turtle facts.

'Turtles don't have genders. They're all genderfluid.' Was one of them. I replied to this,

'So, if all turtles are genderfluid, does that make me a turtle?' As soon as I sent that I regretted it. Dani and I hadn't even been talking for that long! She then replied,

'I guess so... Wait... YOU'RE GENDERFLUID?!' And then I just told her everything and what not and she was really cool with it. She told me that she was genderfluid as well, so the she pro nouns changed to they. So yeah, Dani was cool about it, like really cool. Sometimes I don't think I deserve that weirdo as a friend XD. I then told them about me being pansexual. Once again, they were cool. We then started talking about our crushes. They had a crush on a boy and I had one on a girl. (I still have a crush on that girl but shhhhh) Then Doireann came along. Doireann read all of the messages that me and Dani had sent each other so she asked Dani, 'Can I be a turtle too?' And that was their way of coming out. Yes, they technically copied me but we just forgot about that because it was cute! We now have a little gang of genderfluid buddies and it's amazing. So basically I'm a turtle."

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