Just Be Happy

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I'm 14, female, my Facebook is Maggie Keenan, and if you haven't guessed the names Maggie and I came out as bi. Onto the story then!

So I figured out I was bi in seventh grade. I was so nervous to come out to my family that I told one of my close friends. She was totally excepting and supported me. Next I believe I told my best friend about it and she was also bi(FYI I end up having a crush on her later). Then I told my sister and just broke down crying in front of her, she also was an ally. Finally I told my parents, my dad didn't care, my mom was more resistant to the fact but she excepted it. Sometimes I'm surprised at what comes out of her mouth about me being bi, it's nothing bad. The next year I fully excepted myself and was more comfortable with telling people about my sexuality. Quite a few of my friends are bi too (all of them girls). So just believe in yourself and ignore the mean comments about being gay and so forth, be who you want to be. Just be happy!

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