my oh my, look who's bi

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Name: fluffy

Age: it's a mystery

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: female

Tumblr: fluffy-kohai/dangandrawings

I have a group of friends I'm very comfortable with, and they are very supportive of a lot of my decisions... So I thought I could trust them with my sexuality!

I awkwardly told them about the fact that I had a girlfriend, and that I was Bisexual. They seemed doubtful and a bit un-believing (maybe because Bisexuality is real to them?)

But they were still happy I got a girlfriend!

And another friend I have is very good at keeping secrets and is just very chill.

I did the same as my group of friends and she encouraged me to be open about my relationship!

I'm glad to have such supportive friends, though I'm not sure how my family would take it... I'm glad to have great friends!

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