Jack's Peanut Butter Pie

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Hello, My name is Jack Edward Combs. I am an FTM transgender fighting to be recognized. I came out about seven months ago after landing myself in a mental hospital in College Hill for suicidal ideation (pretty much I wanted to kill myself but fell asleep before I could and a friend called the cops thinking I did it). After spending about a week in the hospital I had a family meeting. A therapist type lady sat in the room with me, my mum, and my dad. It was hard for me to look at them. When the worker lady brought up that I had something to tell my family I looked my mum in the eyes and in said "I'm transgender and bisexual. I prefer the name Jack. I hope you aren't upset with me for this." My mum started crying and my dad started laughing. He stood up and pulled me into a tight hug saying "I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. You were never any daughter of mine. The way you refuse all girly things in favor of boy things. I love you whoever you are." The next day he brought me peanut butter pie and said "It's not Jack's peanut butter pie, but it is now," before handing it to me. There's a restaurant called Jack's Place near where I live and it serves the best peanut butter pie.

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