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Name : Kelly

Sexuality : Bisexual leaning gay

Gender : Female

So my name is Kelly. I'm female and bisexual. It took about a year to actually come to that conclusion though. This may sound cheesy, but to figure it out, i would play music really loud while i sat in front of a mirror and meditated about my life. Even now, because i tend to like girls more than guys i do this, debating weather or not i actually like guys or are trying to hold on to my "normalness". Ive never been normal. Ever. I've always been the outcast with weird friends. Its nice though. I hate being the center of attention. I'm better off as a wallflower. About a month after i finally figured out i was bi, i told my sister. I have 2 sisters, so we will call her sister 1. Sister 1 also happened to be bi, but she didn't tell me that for a while. Then i accidentally told one of my best friends bc she read a book of mine on wattpad where i talked about it. That book ended up being taken down even though i still write in it. Both of them were so so so super supportive. I can finally talk about all the crushes i have. I actually only have one. My crush was the 3rd person i told, but she is also bi. She was very supportive. Today she actually asked me who i liked and i feel really bad about it but i told her i don't know. I screwed that up. Fml. My parents still don't know though. I kinda want it to just be a natural thing for me to just come home with a girlfriend, and be like SURPRISE!! i like girls too!! Love meeeeee! Both of my parents are allies though so they will be fine with it. The only person i know wont be fine about it is my second sister. She didn't believe sister 1 when she said she was bi. She legitimately thought she was joking when she mentioned it during a conversation because i think she is out to all our friends. Bitch. How do you think that makes me feel even if you don't know. So shut your cake hole and go study. Its the only thing you like to do anyways. I still question weather i'm actually a lesbian sometimes though because is feel like my guy crushes don't feel anywhere near as amazing and painful as my girl crushes. They honestly felt kinda forced and when i started questioning i didn't get anymore. Idk but i identify as bi right now. It might change one day. Idk sexuality is pretty fluid so ill just go with the flow. But yep that's me.

Xoxo - Kelly<3

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