A Supportive Friend

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Name: Gwen
Age: 12
Wattpad: _pygmy_puff_

Recently, I've been really spaced out in school and today my best friend, let's call her Jenny, noticed and was beginning to get worried. She sent me a text asking if I was alright and I told her no but that I couldn't tell her why. We went on for a whole hour of her trying to get me to tell her and me dropping hints. She wasn't forcing me, she just said she was really worried. After thinking about it for a while, I finally decided to tell her. I sent her a text saying:

"Don't hate me because you're my best friend but I'm really confused about what I am (as in sexuality). Recently I've started noticing girls a lot more. I'm not gay cz I like boys too, but I think I'm bi. Basically I just notice girls a lot more and I have a crush on (girl in our class).
P.s: don't worry I don't think about u like that. Not that ur not pretty just that ur my bff soooo....."

Before I sent it I was telling her that I thought it would change our friendship and I got really worried about it. She read the message and the first thing she said was "Why would that change our friendship?" She didn't care at all which was the biggest relief ever. We always used to joke about me not being straight so afterwards she just went on about how her prediction was right and we just joked around. Jenny is the only person I have come out to but it still made such a difference; like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I am so lucky to have such a supportive friend and hope everyone has someone just as supportive.

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