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"Name: Laticia
Age: 14
Sexuality: Bisexual
instagram: the_best_person_you_know_
I noticed in the 7th grade that I was bisexual, but I waited until the 8th grade to come out. I came out to one girl, and she told quite a few people. Many of them asked me, but I denied it because I wanted to tell people myself. My best friend, Chylie would stand up for me and tell people to mind their own business and that I wasn't. (I hadn't told her yet because I was scared to.) We were sitting in the cafeteria during first period about to watch a musical. "I don't get why people keep saying that you're bisexual you obviously aren't. You would tell me.". "Uh yeah of course I'd tell you." I sat there waiting and feeling guilty for not telling her and then I finally got the courage. "I am. Its true I am bisexual..." I said scared to look at her. "Why haven't you told me?"
"I was scared you weren't going to want to be my friend anymore if I told you."
"I don't have a problem with it. I hate people who judge other people." I felt relieved that she took it well and after her I told everyone else and then I was able to make jokes and mess around with my friend about it. Then my parents came. I was scared to tell them even though they are lesbians. I was sitting on the floor one day and I blurted it out. "I'm bi!" My mom looked at me and said that she knew and was waiting for me to tell her. Then my sister waled over to me and looked shocked. "You're bi? I always thought you liked guys."
"Me? Only like guys? Ha. You're hilarious." My parents and my sister are the only people in my family to know that I am to this day."

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