Confused But Not

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Name: Kendal
Age: 14
Sexuality: Bisexual/Panromantic
Gender: Female (she/her pronouns)

When I was little my mom for some odd reason would do these little check ups with me and ask "are you a lesbian" and of course I'd always reply with "no" because I liked boys. I've always liked boys but I always felt like I liked girls too. Even though I knew I felt things for girls I always pushed those thoughts and feelings away. I never even really knew what bisexuality was. I always thought "well I know I'm not a lesbian, so I must be straight, I'm not sure what's wrong with me but I guess I'm straight because hey that guy is pretty hot." It wasn't until I was 13 that I heard of bisexuality and I was like "oh well then" but it still never clicked with me. And it didn't click until I watched Shane Dawson's coming out video. Watching his video made me cry so hard but it also helped me understand myself. Right after I found out I went and told my 2 internet friends who are gay. They were so happy for me and really helped me. Later on I heard about pansexuality and started to identity as that (only online because I wasn't ready to come out irl) but it never really felt like that was the label for me. It never clicked like bisexuality clicked for me. And may I remind everyone that bisexual is an umbrella term for pansexuality, polysexual, and maybe a few others? (Sorry just had to say that because of the amount of crap I get) so yea I'd date anyone who identifies as a male, female, and anyone else who falls under the non-binary spectrum. Which is why I also add in that I'm Panromantic because that label clicks with me. So to many of the people who believe bisexuals are confused, well yea they probably once were or maybe even still are. But now that I have identified as bisexual I don't feel confused anymore. After figuring myself out for awhile I finally came out to friends. They all supported me and everything. Then I came out to my mom. She is very confused with it and doesn't seem to understand. She thinks it's a phase. But she hasn't been mean or anything about it I haven't come out to anyone else yet and I don't plan to anytime soon. I have been focusing on accepting myself and learning more about myself through sexuality and gender. And I think that's important, to accept yourself and figure yourself out because before I did I was so so so incredibly sad. But now I'm finally a lot happier and more confident.

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