Out of The Blue

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Name:Cian (pronounced Kee- an)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Instagram: del1r10u5

This was about one year ago. I remember sitting in the kitchen at my mom's house, helping her wash dishes. Out of the blue, she asks me if I was pansexual. I was wondering how she figured that out, so I answered back, "Yeah, why do you ask?"

"I was looking at your Instagram and noticed that you said you were pansexual," she replied. My stepdad came in the room at that moment. I must've had a scared expression on my face because she said this next: "It's alright, we're completely okay with you being pansexual." My stepdad then piped in and said, "Yeah. We don't mind one bit, Cian."

My stepdad then went on to say something about how it was beautiful when two girls came together, but it was disgusting when two guys come together. That didn't really sit well with me. I of course said something, but not something to cause a huge argument. My stepdad said something, I can't quite remember what it was, but it ticked me off a little bit more than I already was. I didn't say anything because it was better if I didn't. I didn't want to make him mad; he already had enough to deal with.

I then decided it was time to come out to my friends at school. Most of my friends were bisexual, so I knew they would be accepting. The next day at lunch, I got all of my friend's attention. I took a deep breath to calm myself down and then I told them that I was pansexual. They all were obviously very accepting. I'm loud person, so the rudest girl in my small class ending up hearing me. She walked over to me and asked me if it was true that I was pansexual. I confirmed it and then she asked me what I meant. I explained it to her and she said this, "Ew," and I called her out on it. I thought that was really rude and uncalled for. Bri and I were really nice about it at first, but she was not backing down.

I decided to be the better person and let it go because I would end up fighting her. I'm not gonna fight a girl so I let Bri handle the rest of it. The girl eventually backed down and never talked to us that much anymore; if she did, it was to make some rude comment and the occasional "ew" thrown in. I never really liked her and to this day, I still don't like her.

I ended up moving to a different school because my stepdad couldn't really get up in the morning because he was too lazy. I tried convincing him to let me stay, but his excuse was, "I'm not getting up at 5:00 in the morning just to take you to school. Plus, I don't really want you there because of your stepsister."

I just let it go and I ended up moving to a school that I went to previously. I didn't really like that school. I made a bunch of new friends there, I also came out to them. Again, they were more than accepting. Turns out another one of my friends was pansexual too. I also dated a guy but I dumped him because he didn't really know the definition of personal space. Afterwards, he started being a douche towards me. I just moved to the other table when he came around.

All in all, that year was the greatest year I've ever had.

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