"Is She a Good Kisser?"

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Name: Caitlyn

Age: 14

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender: female, possibly gender queer

So, I came out pretty recently. I usually give my girlfriend ride home from school, and although my dad usually picks us up, it was my mom this time. The car ride was pretty normal, but as soon as she was out of the car, my mom started implying that we were together. My girlfriend made me some posters for Valentine's day, and I hung them on my wall since I didn't have anywhere else to put them without them getting ruined. My mom must've seen them at some point because the first thing out of her mouth was: "Is that the girl that made you those posters?" I told her it was and she says, "She's pretty." Before this, mom had thought I was as straight as a table, or at least I thought she did. I looked at her and asked what she was getting at, and her response was something along the lines of 'I could do much worse.' The conversation stopped for a while and I was kind of glad, until she brought it up again, saying, "So, does she like you?" I saw no reason in lying at this point so I told her that she did and she asked me if I liked her back. I was honest, again, and said I did like her, and that we were together. I knew this was my chance to tell her my sexuality, so I did. After explaining myself, I half expected her to shun me away from my while family, but to my surprise, she only pulled me into a hug. I was stunned and even questioned her if she was okay with it. I remember her exact words."Why wouldn't I be? You're my daughter, nothing would change that. As long as you're safe in whatever you do, I don't see a problem. I just want you to be happy." Attempting to sort of change the subject, she says, "So, is she a good kisser?" I guess my blush gave it away.

I was so terrified of ever telling her. She's super Christian so I was almost positive that I wouldn't be accepted. I was so happy and relieved that I could finally be myself around her that I literally almost cried.

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