Birthday Surprise

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Name: Alistair
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual alistair_thestairway (formally femscotland)

My story is a continuation. I told my story about me first understanding myself in this book before, but I thought with recent events, I shall tell one more.

It was May 10th, two days before my birthday and 10 hours before my birthday dinner. I decided a couple of days prior that I would write a letter to my mum and leave it somewhere. I did just that, though she didn't notice.

The next day I put it somewhere noticeable. She still didn't notice. The day after that I basically handed it to her and said "you haven't read it yet," her telling me she was blind anyway. She read it. Then proceeded to tell me that I was wrong.

She told me a couple of things.
1. It was probably just a phase
2. I might have identified as this to look cool
3. She compared it to a white person wanting to be black

All I know is that my sexuality could be a phase, I still don't know and I know that is perfectly okay to not fully know yourself. But I know my gender is not a phase.

To this day, I have felt I am being forced straight and forced cis. That is not okay. Accept your child, accept your friends and family. They aren't harming you by liking different things than you.

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