The Scar

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The sun sat low in the morning sky. Nighttime shadows still lingered around; waiting to be chased away by the day. The ocean water laid still; slowly pushing anything that bobbed at the surface. It guided an old boat eastward. The boat held many wondrous things: pearls, foreign books with unknown languages, and other shiny things. The boat's only crew member, Trader Johann, stepped out of his cabin yawning and rubbing his eyes. "Ah, what a wonderful night of sleep that was," he yawned," Berk did trade some valuable things to me yesterday. Best I start seeing how much they're worth." At the mention of Berk Johann's mind traveled back to last night's event. He was understandable shocked when he heard about Hiccup and the Night Fury. When the vikings went out on the hunt he stayed behind. Johann wasn't a viking himself and was determined to stay neutral in this viking vs dragon war; though personally he liked the beasts. But he'd rather not let the people of Berk know that. If they did, then there goes a good place of trade! "I do hope they settle the situation soon," Johann said to himself.

Trader Johann went around inspecting each new item he had gotten the day before. He was taste testing a basket of fresh food when a bang from under the deck startled him. Not knowing what it was he snatched a sword that he had gotten from Silent Sven and crept over to the hatch that lead downward. Another bang happened closer to the hatch.

"Sorry," Johann heard below him.

Having recognized the voice he lowered his sword. "Master Hiccup?" Trader Johann dropped the sword and opened the hatch. Almost immediately a giant shadow exploded from the hatch and shot up into the air.

"Thanks Johann!" Hiccup Haddock called out to his old acquaintance.

Trader Johann stumbled backwards into a pile of his treasures, "M-Master Hiccup!?" He watched as the boy and the dragon flew off into the clouds.


"Do you think we gave him a good startle?" Hiccup asked Toothless after they were far from Trader Johann's ship.

'It think we really woke him up,' Toothless chuckled,'Though he should get rid of some of those things. I couldn't find a comfortable spot to sleep last night.'

"Well that's Trader Johann for ya," Hiccup yawned,"Teller of insanely long stories and lover of foreign trade."

The two flew in silence for a while; when they were fully awake they landed on a beach of a nearby small island for rest and food. "So, what do think?" Hiccup asked," Fish or boar?"

'Hiccup, are you not even gonna talk about it?' Toothless asked after stretching his legs and wings.

"About what?" Hiccup knew what Toothless meant; he just didn't want to think about it. Let alone talk about it. He slumped down into the sand," I just-".

'I know you don't,' Toothless sat next to him, 'But talking about it better than keeping it in.'

Hiccup sighed," I knew that I didn't fit in. I knew that I wasn't the normal viking. I knew that the other teens didn't accept me. I knew my father didn't either. But I didn't know that he'd disown me so quickly." Hiccup wiped away the tears.

Toothless wrapped his left wing around Hiccup; pulling him closer,' I accept you.'

Hiccup laughed," I know that bud." He stood up and wiped off the sand from his butt," Now let's go find something to eat. Like I said; fish of boar?"

Toothless stood up,' Well dragons usually just eat fish. But we'll eat a boar if we're to lazy to go to a river or anything. about a boar?'

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