Dragon Hunters

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"So why do you think these people kidnapped Trader Johann?" Snotlout asked over the roar of the wind.

"Dunno, " Astrid tried to thing of every possible reason but nothing popped up, "Do you think you can find him Stormfly?"

'Of course I can!' Stormfly flapped her wings against the cold wind, 'His scent is hard to forget. Especially for a Tracker Class like me.'

"Yea," Astrid chuckled, "Man we've learned so much about dragons over the past five years."

"I know!" Ruffnut shouted, "Who knew that Barf and Belch here liked to chase their tails?"

"Yea...so... let's just focus on finding Johann," Astrid rolled her eyes, "I'll go Northeast." Stormfly shot off.

"W-Wait! We should stick together! We're way outside the boundaries of the Archipelago!" Fishlegs called out but they were already gone.


Stormfly fought through the cold air. 'Are you sure that separating was a good idea!?' Stormfly shouted above the wind.

"Yes!" Astrid answered. She didn't know why...but something told her to go this way-alone. The two scanned the water, nothing. "Hmm, maybe there's a-wahhhh!" Suddenly Stormfly began to fly hieratical. "Whoa! Stormfly! What in the world!?"

'Astrid...so-something shot me! I-I-' The two smacked the water. Astrid swam to her dragon. She spotted an arrow embedded in Stormflys leg. Astrid tried push her dragons head head above water but quickly realized that she needed to surface. She ignored her need for air and continued to push her dragons head. Not long after she began to feel light-headed and everything went black.


"Ugh...W-What happened?" Astrid asked groggily as she woke up.

"You got shot down," A cocky mans voice answered.

"Huh?" Astrid went to stand up but realized that she was bound. "What in-let me go!"

"Not likely," the man chuckled, "You fell for our trap pretty easily."

"Trap?" Astrid looked up at the people in front of her. She didn't recognize their clothing. "Who are you guys?"

"Dragon Hunters," the biggest man smiled, "Your on Rykers ship little Dragon Rider."

"Hunters!?" everything snapped to focus, "Where's my dragon!?"

"Don't worry about it," Ryker laughed," It'll get put to good use."

"What do you mean by that!?" Astrid wasn't sure if she'd want the answer.

"That's none of your business," Ryker turned away from Astrid. He walked up to some men, gave them some orders, then came back. "See this," he held an arrow in his hand," This is a Dragon Root arrow. It's what we took your dragon down with." He chuckled as if someone has said a good joke.

Astrid wanted to beat sense into him but she was tied up pretty tight. "What are you going to do with me?"

"You don't need to worry about that," Ryker grinned, "Take her down below!" Two men came up, forced Astrid to her feet, and led her below deck. They locked her in a cage made of something she's never seen before. It was a sickly green color.


"Stormfly!?" Astrid canned the area, "Stormfly!? Are you alright?"

Across the room Stormfly sat chained and alone, 'I'm okay...somewhat...although...that arrow was weird.'

"It was coated in Dragon Root," Astrid explained.

'Dragon Root!?' Stormfly scoffed, 'Ugh...of course.'

"Don't worry girl I'll find a way out," Astrid promised.

'How? We're both chained,' Stormfly laid her head down, tired.

"There's always a way," Astrid said confidently.

'If you do find a way out,' a Monstrous Nightmare in the cage next to Astrid chimed in, 'Please don't forget us.'

"I wouldn't dream of it," Astrid smiled reassuringly.


Hours had passed. Astrid was unsure of how much but she knew it must have been a lot. She thought of everything that could free her and the dragons. But as the time continued to pass she began to lose more and more hope.

"Hungry?" a man walked in with a small tray of food, some of the which looked rotten. "I hope you get your belly full," he said when he got to Astrid.

"Yea but-," Astrid didn't want to eat the rotten food but an idea finally struck her," but...how can I eat when I'm chained like this?"

"You have a point," the man sat the try down. He pulled out his keys and unlocked Astrids cage. He turned her around and undid her restraints. Then almost imminently Astrid spun around and sucker punched him right in the jaw. The man fell, unconscious, and his keys flew a few feet.

"Idiot," Astrid chuckled as she grabbed the keys. She ran over, unlocked every cage, then went back and unchained every dragon inside. "Let's blast our way out of here!" Astrid jumped on the back of Stormfly. All the dragons roared out and fired at the door. They flew out and went in every direction.

"Shoot them down!" a man shouted. All the Dragon Hunters scrambled to Bola Slingers, Arrow Launchers, and just about anything they could find that will take them down. But it did no good, all the dragons set the wooden boat on fire quicker than a Speed Stinger could run.

'Take that you lousy humans!' one of dragons shouted as he fired a shot.

"Let's get out of here Stormfly!" The two shot up high into the air but they were met with the most randomly and badly timed storm. "What in the world!"

Angry waves thrashed the boat side to side. Dark clouds hung over, dropping lightning bolts like there was no tomorrow! There was thunder so loud that Astrid was sure that she was going to deaf. But she couldn't understand...she didn't fell the boat getting rocked around when she was locked up. And she didn't hear the insane thunder. Where in the world did this storm come from!?

'Astrid look out!' Stormfly shouted. The two bobbed and weaved around the lightning strikes. 'Astrid!' In a split second a lightning bolt struck both Astrid and Stormfly. They fell out of sky and crashed into the raging water.

"Ugh...no...Stormfly!" Astrid called out weakly. Her body felt numb from the strike and she couldn't keep her head above water. Her head slipped under as the storm raged on.

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