Toothless' Nightmare

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Toothless walked through the forest, a few Salmon and Brown Trout in his mouth. He was happy to see that he has adapted to catching food without flying. But the happiness was short lived. Hiccup...Everything that has happened has really effected him. Though Toothless didn't blame him, the things that he's been put through was horrible. Hiccup hasn't spoken, slept, or ate in four days. 'Hiccup?' Toothless called to his friend as he entered the cave, 'I've got some food. Want one? Or all of them?'

Hiccup was laying at the back of the cave. He didn't respond.

'Hiccup?' Toothless walked up to him, 'Come on man you need to eat.' Toothless looked over his friend then signed in relief, Oh thank Gods! He finally fell asleep! Toothless hid the fish between some rock, deciding to save the for in the morning. He yawned and stretched his wings. Then he warmed the ground beneath him, curled up, and closed his eyes. At least the assault of storms is over. Maybe we can get a good night sleep. As sleep took over Toothless' mind wandered away.

Everything was dark except for a small amount of light that emanated from below. Dragons chattered away in the crevasses. Toothless hugged the wall as much as he could just like his mother told him to. He was tired but every now and then a loud growl echoed from the lava down below. Huddled next to him was a baby Deadly Nadder. They were born on the same day so they were almost like siblings.

'What if my Ma and Pa don't bring back enough food?' the Nadder winded for the third time.

'They will, trust me,' Toothless reassured for the third time.

'You never know,' the Nadder nearly cried, 'Your species don't have to bring back food. All they have to do is protect other dragons from the killing things that the humans have made.'

'Yea mommy told me that in the beginning my species had to bring back food just like the others,' Toothless scanned the cavern, 'It's not my fault the humans started making things to kill us.'

'I don't wanna be an orphan,' the Nadder sniffed.

'My parents will take care of you,' Toothless promised.

'Will they? They can barely feed you!' the baby dragon flapped her wings, 'What with Her crazy appetite!'

'I know...I know...,' Toothless signed, 'I'm just trying to make you feel better. Besides you know how kind my parents are.'

'Yea...I gues-oh! They're back!' the baby Nadder ran out to see her parents. But she was stopped by Toothless.

'Whoa! Don't go running to the edge!' Toothless pushed her back, 'Remember what the adults said? 'Until we can fly stay close to wall'.'

'Oh I'll fly!' the Nadder scoffed, 'Fly far far away from here!'

'Do you think that you could get far?' Toothless questioned, 'What with that hum of Hers. 'Once you hear Her hum then you'll have no choice but to come.' The adults told us that.'

'I just wanna be free,' the Nadder cried.

'If we're meant to be then we will one day,' Toothless hugged his friend.

'Did you two behave?'

'Mamma!' Toothless cheered. He ran up to his mother and ran in between her legs before wrapping his little wings around her front leg in a big hug.

'How many were killed tonight?' the baby Nadder asked.

'Oh...uh...about that sweety,' Toothless' father landed next to them, 'I'm sorry...but a human killed your mother and father.'

Heartbreak and utter sorrow formed in the baby Nadders eyes. She dropped her wings and started crying. Toothless ran over to her, he placed his wings around her.

'I'm sorry honey,' Toothless' mother walked up to the little orphan dragon, 'We'll look after you. Don't worry about food, k?'

'Its not fair,' the baby Nadder sobbed, 'Its not fair! Its...Its all Her fault!" Anger filled the babys eyes and she broke away from Toothless. She ran over to the edge and yelled, 'ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!'

'What? No! Stop!' Toothless' father ran to the baby Nadder.

'Don't make Her angry!' Toothless' mother followed her mate.

'Its your fault innocent dragons are killed!' the baby raged, 'Its your fault my parents are dead! You ugly spawn of hell!'


Every dragon backed up, trying to hid. The lava below exploded as a gigantic beast rose up. It was Her. She climbed the walls quickly and towered above the baby Nadder. Every bit of rage left the baby as she cowered in fear. She stared down at the one who insulted her. She roared out and lunged for the baby. But suddenly Toothless' parents jumped in front of the Nadder. Toothless' father grabbed the baby by her tail and flung her away. Then almost immediately She came down and swallowed both of Toothless' parents and the rock they were standing on whole.

'NO!' Toothless shouted. His voice echoed throughout the area.

'No! Mom! Dad!' Toothless jumped awake, his heart beating fast. He scanned the area. It was the same...almost. So much for the peace, Toothless groaned as he watched rain fall outside. Toothless turned back and looked at Hiccup. A few fish laid half way eaten in between them. At least you've eaten, Toothless smiled, But...why in the world did I have to remember that? Toothless wanted to go over what he dreamed but his heart said don't. Maybe I've should of told you about...Her a lot sooner.

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