Secrets Kept

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Astrid wanted to tell someone about Her...but Stormfly had other ideas. Just mentioning Her sent Stormfly into a panic. That terrifying dragon kept Astrid up at night. When her parents asked what was wrong Astrid lied and said that the whole Dagur situation was bugging her. Even if I tell someone...who says that they'll believe me? Astrid didn't know what do, Maybe if Hiccup was still here...well..I wonder if he even knows about Her? Astrid was up for so many nights feeling sorry for the poor dragons. Being terrified into slavery by that beast. How could a dragon do that to its own kind!? Maybe a midnight flight could ease Astrid's mind. She slipped out of her home and quietly but quickly tiptoed to the arena. "Hey there girl, " Astrid scratched Stormflys chin.

'Hey,' Stormfly smiled. The scratching made her happy, 'What are you here for?'

"I just need to be up in the air for a bit," Astrid sighed. Stormfly bent down to let Astrid on. She climbed on and stretched.

"Aha! I knew you were up to something!"

Astrid and Stormfly nearly jumped ten feet in the air. She looked for whoever was there. It was Snotlout. She jumped off of Stormfly, " Good Gods Snotlout! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Enough about the heart!" Snotlout didn't bother to keep his voice down, "What are you doing with a dragon!?"

Astrid wanted to sucker punch Snotlout right on the spot. But she knew that she was in trouble. She had been caught with Stormfly. And Snotlout looked like he was ready to tell Stoick. "Well..."

"Out with it!" Snotlout shouted before he let out a yawn.

"Your dreaming Snotlout," Astrid waved her hands around, hoping it was convincing enough.

"Really? Did you actually think that would work?" Snotlout crossed his arms.

Astrid dropped her hands, defeated, " Okay...fine. You got me. I just...need some alone time with Stormfly."

"Stormfly?" Snotlout eyed the dragon, "You mean that lizard? First wimpy Hiccup now you?"

"Wimpy?" Astrid didn't know why but hearing Hiccup get called that sent her into rage, "Could a wimp befriend a Night Fury!? Could a wimp dare to go against viking culture!? Could a wimp learn the truth about dragons!?" Astrid edged closer to Snotlout, staring him dead in the eyes.

"Truth? What truth?" Snotlout sheepishly backed up.

"That dragons are not what we think they are," Astrids voice rose higher with every word, " Haven't you noticed that the entire time we've been here that Deadly Nadder hasn't moved an inch?"

Snotlout looked over at the Deadly Nadder, he could of sworn that he heard a slight chuckle come from the beast.

" that you mention it...the dragon does appear to be stationary," Snotlout tried to avoid eye contact with Astrid.

"That's because they're not blood thirsty savages," Astrid began to calm down, "Why don't you try petting her?" Astrid gestured towards Stormfly.

"I...I dunno.," Snotlout rubbed the back of his head.

"What's wrong? You chicken?" Astrid teased. In the back of her head Astrid cheered. This could be her chance to bring the truth to Berk. To show everyone that Hiccup wasn't a traitor! But then Astrid felt confused. When he was here Astrid gave little attention to Hiccup. So why now, after everything that's happened, is she only thinking about him?

"I am no chicken!" Snotlout boasted. He proudly walked up to Stormfly, though on the inside he wanted to run. "Hey there...uh...Stormfly. You...uh...look pretty," he smiled sheepishly.

Oh for the love of Thor, Astrid groaned, I guess befriending the dragons is a good thing in his case. He's the real wimp...

'This one is an interesting character,' Stormfly chuckled, 'He acts all mighty but when he's actually put into battle he's just a sheep.'

"A sheep is better than a chicken," Astrid noted.

"What are you talking about?" Snotlout asked.

"Just going off something Stormfly said," Astrid smiled.

"Excuse me?" Snotlout turned towards Astrid, "Last time I checked dragons don't talk."

"Just trust me and scratch her chin," Astrid ordered him.

Snotlout turned back to the dragon. Stormfly stood patiently waiting for another scratch. Snotlout crept forwards, his hand out. Ever so lightly he scratched the scaly chin. Stormfly purred, a smile ran across her face. Every tense muscle in Snotlouts body eased up.

"See," Astrid walked up to her dragon, "She's not so bad."

" never thought a beast that could cook me in seconds can be like a cat," Snotlout pat Stormfly then turned towards Astrid, "I want a dragon!"

"Excuse me?" Astrid thought that she had heard him wrong. Maybe not thought...more like hoped.

"I want a dragon!" Snotlout repeated.

"No way!" Astrid knew that her having a dragon was a bad idea...but Snotlout!?

"Come on!" he begged, "If I have a dragon then no girl could ever resist me!"

Astrid forced back her vomit, "You have to be kidding me..."

'In my opinion,' Stormfly chimed in, 'I don't think your worthy of riding a fellow dragon.'

Snotlout nearly shrieked as he jumped back, "D-Did that dragon just say something!?"

"Yes she did," Astrid laughed at Snotlouts reaction. She sighed, "I guess I can't change your mind. Meet me at the Cove in the forest tomorrow at sunset. Don't tell anybody and make sure nobody sees you."

"Do you mean-"

"Yes...Snotlout," Astrid didn't want to, "You are going to get to befriend your very own dragon. IF you promise not to tell anybody! Okay?"

"I promise!" Snotlout grinned ear to ear.

Astrid began to walk out of the arena,"Oh...and one more thing." She turned back towards Snotlout.

"What?" Before he could anything Astrid swung and punched him square in the face.

"That's for scaring me," she cracked her knuckled and left.

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