Goodbye for Now

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Two weeks had passed since the devastating attack on Berk. Word of how Hiccup defeated Her spread quicker than forest fire. Vikings from all around came to see him and to hear exactly how he killed such a monster. But Hiccup was fond of all the attention. He spent most of his time either helping rebuild or getting to know his mother. He was fascinated by her vast knowledge of dragons. He wanted to learn everything she knew, but something about the "fame" had to be done.

Astrid walked through the town with a skip in her step, she had never felt so happy in her life. Berk was at peace with the dragons and Hiccup was back home. Why would she be happy!? But through the happiness came a sting of sorrow. "Stormfly..." Astrid stopped and sighed. Stormfly had protected her. And it costed her life to do so.

"Why so sad?"

Astrid turned towards the voice, it was Valka, "Oh, hi Valka. It's just...I miss my dragon, Stormfly."

"Hiccup told me what happened," Valka placed a reassuring hand on Astrids shoulder, "I'm so sorry. If there is anything you need then come to me."

Astrid gave a small smile, "Thanks. Your not the first person to say that."

Valka chckld, "I bet not. Oh! I almost forgot. Hiccup is at the arena. He wants to give you something before he leaves."

"Before what!?"


"I think that's everything bud," Hiccup rechecked everything to be sure.


Hiccup turned around and was greeted with a very angry Astrid. "Oh hey there Astrid," Hiccup choice his words carefully in order to avoid her rage.

"What's this about you leaving!?" Astrid looked at him straight in the eyes, "You just got back!"

"I know. It's just..." Hiccup wasn't sure on how to word it.

"Just what?" Astrid didn't bother to hid the hurt from hurt face or her voice.

"You know condition."

"'ve been fine these past two weeks!" Astrids mind raced around, hoping to stumble a upon something that would make him stay.

"Yea, but most of that time was either with you, my mom, or my dad, or helping out with the village repair," Hiccup reminded her, "But with these people constantly coming to hear about the "breathtaking story" I'm starting to feel uncomfortable."

"Then we'l just tell them to leave," Astrid tired to hide her desperateness. She couldn't explain it...but seeing Hiccup after all these years brought a joy to her. A joy that couldn't be brought to her by anything else. And it only came when she was around Hiccup. She didn't want the joy to go away.

"You know we can't do that," Hiccup chuckled. He placed both of his hands on Astrids shoulders, "Besides I won't be to far away this time. Will you understand...for me?"

Astrid felt her heart swell. She already understood. She understood a long time ago. She just didn't want to feel lonely anymore.

Hiccup saw the sadness on Astrids face, "I-I won't be gone forever. I talked it over with my dad. We agreed that I am still living as a Berk citizen. Just not living on Berk. You get what I mean?" Hiccup turned and started to pick up a small crate that sat behind Toothless.

"I think I do," it made sense to Astrid.

"And I am visiting...more so when the "fame" dies down," Hiccup carried the crate over to Astrid, "But before I go I have something for you."

Astrid took the crate. There was something alive in there because it moved slightly and made little noises. "What is this?"

"Just open it," Hiccup hoped that she would like the one he picked out.

Astrid sat the crate on the ground and popped open the top. She gasped. The worlds tiniest baby Deadly Nadder stared back at her. He looked just like Stormfly. Except that he was a darker blue. "Hiccup...why..."

"I thought with know...I felt that you should get a new one so you can fly," Hiccup smiled, "I know it's going to be a while before you can actually ride him. But my mom and I found him all alone on a nearby island. It...was pretty obvious that his mother was killed in a Dragon Hunter trap."

Pity filled Astrid. "Ohhh poor thing," she held him close to her chest as if she was cradling a human baby. Then she noticed something, "He has a scar!"

"He was caught in the trap as well," Hiccup bent down and petted the baby dragon, "Getting him out didn't leave him scarless. If you want a ridable dragon I can just-"

"No!" Astrid recoiled with the baby in her hands, "I can't just give him up like that. I don't mind not flying until he grows up."

Hiccup smiled. He stood up and walked over to Toothless, "I guess I should be going now."

Astrids attention tore away from the baby dragon, "But..."

"You can see what island I'm going to be on," Hiccup patted the saddle behind him.

"Uh last time I was on him he nearly threw me off!"

Hiccup laughed, "He'll be much gentler. Right Toothless?"

Toothless smiled at Astrid, promising to not be so rough.

Astrid chuckled, "Eh why not?" She ran over and climbed onto Toothless' back. They raced out of the arena and took off into the sky.

The End

I have a sequel to Scars uploaded here called How To Train Your Dragon: Broken. So if you want to go read it do so! 

How To Train Your Dragon: ScarsWhere stories live. Discover now