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"Thus Odin established by law that all dead men should be burned, and their belongings laid with them upon the pile, and the ashes be cast into the sea or buried in the earth. Thus, said he, every one will come to Valhalla with the riches he had with him upon the pile; and he would also enjoy whatever he himself had buried in the earth. For men of consequence a mound should be raised to their memory, and for all other warriors who had been distinguished for manhood a standing stone; which custom remained long after Odin's time." Stoick said every word slowly. Both Beserker and Berkians stood in silence for the fallen young Chief. Stoick gave a nod and two men, one Beserker and one Berkian, turned and laid their torches on the pyre. The fire quickly spread, consuming the offerings and the body in mere seconds. Everybody stood and watched the blaze burn, the intense heat kissing their cheeks ever so lightly. Astrid Hofferson looked away, though she meant every respect to the deceased.

The fire raged for an hour or two, people had began to slither away before that. Astrid was one of the first to leave. She wanted to be away from it...from everybody. She traveled aimlessly through the village. There's no way, Astrid thought to herself, There's no way Hiccup could of killed Dagur. He couldn't kill that dragon. Unless...maybe he was defending his dragon. That guy did say that Dagur attacked the village. He might of tried to kill the Night Fury even though he promised not to. Ugh...I dunno. When Astrid pulled herself from her thoughts she found herself in front of the Killing Arena. The growls and roars of the dragons inside didn't sound angry. They sounded...sad. Why would I think that? Astrids head began to hurt. So much was going on at once. She needed a nap.

A few hours later Astrid awoke to her parents downstairs. They chatted away, quietly. Astrid crept to her door and listened. They were talking about the funeral. What else would they be talking about? Astrid sat down, her head still hurting. With dinner on the table Astrid could guess that it was night. Maybe a nighttime walk would help. She stood up and walked down the stairs.

"Oh honey," Astrid's mother smiled up at her daughter, "We didn't know you were up."

"I just woke up," Astrid yawned, "Can't sleep. Would it be okay if I go for a walk?"

"Just don't go to far," Astrid's father said.

"Okay," Astrid walked past her parents and opened the door. The cold night air hugged her face. It almost made her smile; almost. Astrid sauntered passed the wooden buildings. She thought about all those times they were on fire, dragons roaring and spitting flames. Why would Hiccup, the weakest viking ever, associate himself with them as if they were friendly. Astrid passed the Forge, it sat quietly in the dark. She remembered seeing a little Hiccup peeking out at the battles from within; unable to participate. Now that I think about it I can see why Hiccup was so desperate to prove himself, Astrid sat down on a lonely bench, But...wanting to do it is far different than actually doing it. When he had the chance... I guess he cracked under the pressure. But...what would drive him to be friendly with that dragon instead of just leaving it alone?

Astrid turned her head towards the low sounds of the dragons that were locked away. Maybe they're not as dangerous as we think they are? She stood up. With curiosity in control Astrid headed straight for the arena. But she stopped as she got to the gate wen she realized that she couldn't go in empty handed. She turned around and rushed over to the Food Storage. She slipped in and snatched a couple of fish. Placing them in a bag Astrid made her way back to the arena and quietly opened the gate. Every dragon was making sounds but Astrid could tell that the only one that was awake was the Deadly Nadder. Going against her better judgment she unlocked the door and left it cracked open. She stood there...and nothing happened. Her palms were sweaty and her feet shook. Why am I scared? Astrid was shocked to see the emotion, It's...just a dragon.

The night air stood still around her; the snores of the other dragons was the only sound echoing out of the arena. And then the silence was broken when the Deadly Nadder suddenly exploded form its cage. It roared out an angry roar, its wings raised up high. Astrid's heart raced and she backed up a few inches. She was without her axe. No wonder why she felt so scared! The dragon eyed her, sniffing the air it slowly crept from side to side. Astid had no idea what to do. She did't have her axe, there were no shields around, nothing. She was completely defenseless. The dragon stepped forward a bit, its slit eyes grew a bit docile. Astrid held up a fish and it was almost as if it was a different dragon. Its eyes were almost totally docile and it rested its wings. Astrid sheepishly inched forward, the fish dangled in between them. The Nadder stood unsure at first but then it stepped forward some more. It sniffed the fish and looked at Astrid. She gave it a small smile, "I-It's okay. It's a normal, yummy fish." The Deadly Nadder looked at the fish, thought for a second, then took the fish and swallowed it whole.

"See," Astrid wiped her hand, "Good isn't it?" She was surprised when the dragon nudged her and let out a small sound. It cocked its head and slightly waged its tail. " want another fish?" She pulled out another fish and the Nadder instantly snatched it from her. Astrid recoiled and counted her figures; still ten. "Hey! You could bit of my hands!"

The dragon swallowed the fish and chuckled at Astrid, 'Silly.'

Wa..., Astrid was shocked, Did that dragon just say something!? "Did...did you just say something?"

The Nadder looked at Astrid. It looked almost as if the dragon was smiling, 'I said 'silly'. Okay silly?'

Astrid's mouth dropped, "Okay...I must be dead."

'Nope,' The dragon shook its head, 'Very alive. Your not a threat so why would I kill you?'

"Ho-How are you able to speak!? A-And why haven't I-or anybody-been able to understand you!?"

'Simple really,' The Nadder yawned, 'Your species and mine have been separated by war and bloodshed. A wall was placed between us. Yet only a few humans have been able to tear down that wall. That boy...uh...with the brown fur on top of his head. He broke that wall with the Night Fury by peace instead of violence.'

"So...that time I saw him with really could understand him," Astrid felt like she was going to pass out. Everything she knew in life had been flipped over and burned away in a second.

'I can see why your so confused,' The dragon pointed out, 'You've been raised to think that flyers-or dragons as you call us-are bad. We're not. Yes we have some bad apples like you humans. But most of the time when we attack we're just acting on instinct or trying to defend ourselves.'

"Wow," It all did make sense when she though it through, "But...I can' friends with you. I'll be an outcast. I do see your kind in a totally different way now...but.."

'I get it,' The Nadder smiled, 'humans are social creatures like mine are. Forget you ever talked to me k'?'

"What? But people should know the truth," Astrid almost yelled, "They need to know. Dragons are good and...and...Hiccup isn't an traitor." Sorrow began to build up inside her. Astrid fell to the ground, she hugged her knees. Usually Astrid forced away the tears when they came but this time she let them fall.

'What's wrong?' The Nadder walked up to her new friend.

"It's my fault," Astrid cried, "It's my fault Hiccup got chased away. It's my fault Dagur is dead. And it's my fault that the Chief is suffering." She hugged her knees harder and let the tears fall faster.

The Deadly Nadder laid down next to her. It crooned and purred. Astrid hugged the dragon. She felt the warmth of the beast and how soft and gentle its hug was. "It's all my fault."

'Hey now, don't say that,' The dragon purred, 'Did you want all that to happen?'

"No," Astrid sniffed, "Why would I?"

'Then it's not your fault,' The dragon explained, 'When I was little Tiny Tooth my ma told me that if you didn't mean for something to happen, then it's not your fault.' The Nadder continued purring and Astrid wiped away the tears.

How To Train Your Dragon: ScarsWhere stories live. Discover now