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Nearly three months had past since Hiccup first meet the people of Aluino, and he enjoyed every minute. Whether it was dragon racing or working with the blacksmith he gave it his all. Hiccup soon learned about new ways to make weapons and about new kinds of metal. And for the first Hiccup felt at home. "Morning!"

"Good morning Hiccup," a mild aged woman smiled and waved hi to Hiccup as he passed by. Hiccup scanned the nearby area, hoping to figure out where Toothless had ran off to so early this morning. Hiccup and Toothless had been staying at Angus's house. Hiccup had met his kids. His only son, Bolin, was the oldest at the age of eighteen, Lynn was the second child at the age of sixteen, and then there were the twins, Bridget and Lola, who were only thirteen. Andres had teased Hiccup and Lynn about being a couple. But Hiccup would just brush it off.

"Toothless!" Hiccup called for his dragon. Huh, where did he go?

"Hiccup!" Agnus called out to Hiccup. When he saw that he had got Hiccup's attention the middle saved man gestured for him to come over. "Mornin' Hiccup."

"Morning, " Hiccup smiled. Then he yawned and stretched his arms over his head, " Whatya doing?"

"Oh just finishing this sword," Agnus inspectioned the shining metal, "Do you like it?"

"It looks really nice," Hiccup was amazed to how quickly he could see his own reflection in the sword.

"Well then," Agnus smiled," it's yours."

Hiccup was surprised, "R-Really? Why?"

"Eh, two reasons," Agnus polished the sword to give it more shine, " One, I like to give gifts. Secondly, it's my way of saying thanks. My people have have wanting see a Night Fury for so long."

"Oh...uh speaking of that," Hiccup took the sword when Agnus handed it to him, "Do you know where he is?"

"I believe that I saw him following Striker and Stormtwister into the forest," Agnus told Hiccup, " They probably wanted to him a waterfall that only dragons can get to."

"A waterfall?" Hiccup studied his new sword. It wasn't to big and it wasn't to small. But it was the perfect size for Hiccup, " I've been here for three months. Why has nobody told me about this waterfall?"

Agnus chuckled, " How many you raced somebody?"

"Oh yea," Hiccup was always racing or telling people things about Toothless. It made sense that they waterfall wouldn't come up in conversation. "They do remember that Toothless can't fly without me?"

"I'm sure they remember," Agnus picked up his tools and put them back in their places.

"Well," Hiccup turned to leave, "See you later."

"Later Hiccup."


"Toothless!" Hiccup called out as he scanned the forest. "Huh?" He traversed the forest, careful to not trip and fall.


"Toothless?" Hiccup spun in a circle until he spotted his black dragon trotting towards him, "What is it bud?"

'You've got to see this!' Toothless jumped around Hiccup full of excitement.

"Is it a waterfall?" Hiccup chuckled.

'Not just a waterfall!' Toothless nudged Hiccup forward, 'It's a whole area. Striker said that nobody has really explored the area since ships can't go there.'

"Why hasn't anybody told us about this place?" Hiccup followed his dragon through the massive trees.

'The place is kinda dangerous,' Toothless explained, 'The sea stacks are bit unstable.'

"W-Why would you go there then?"

'It's beautiful!'

"Is it?"

'Very! Big caves, awesome trees, and a white sandy beach!'

"Did you explore any of it?"

'No, I couldn't get to them,' Toothless stopped to get his barrings then continued walking, 'There's big hill just before we get there...We're here' Toothless trotted uphill. He stood magnificently at the top, a soft breeze brushed against his face.

Hiccup ran a little bit to catch up, "Wow..." He was speechless as he stared at what was probably he most beautiful sight he's ever seen. Just below the hill was the biggest cave he's ever seen, sea stacks sat sunken in the ocean a few feet from the cave's entrance, massive trees stood proudly atop the cliff above the cave.

'Nice isn't it?' Toothless chuckled. He turned to see Hiccup's expression when he spotted the sword in his hands, 'Where'd you get that?'

Hiccup snapped out of the trance of the beauty of the area, "Agnus gave it to me."

'Really? Why?'

"He likes giving gifts," Hiccup explained.

'He's the nicest human I've ever met,' Toothless sniffed the shinny sword.

"Oh am I not that nice?" Hiccup joked.

' You are!' Toothless laughed a dragony laugh, 'Sparing my life is the nicest thing anybody could do. Now come on, let's fly!' Before Hiccup had a chance to agree Toothless scooped him up, taking him by surprise.

Whoa careful bud!" Hiccup laughed, "Did you forget about the sword already?"

'Come on let's fly!' Toothless repeated, ignoring the question completely.

Hiccup gripped tightly to his sword with one hand and onto the saddle with the other. They took off faster than a lightning bolt. "Yea baby!" Hiccup shouted. They soared high above the land. Then they did a flip and flew back towards the cave. Toothless' wings dipped into the surface in the water. Then the tip of his left wing brushed against a sea stack. A small piece broke off and plunge into the water. "Huh...they are unstable."

'I love flying!' Toothless roared out in happiness.

'Guys look out!'

Hiccup and Toothless spun around and saw a net flying straight for them. The dodged it with ease. Hiccup looked to where he it came from. He saw a ship and he felt his breath get sucked right right out of was a Beserker ship.

'Guys!' Stormtwister flew up, 'Who are they?'

"Beserkers..." Hiccup gulped. He couldn't understand. Why were they here?

'Hiccup,' Stormtwister did his best to hold down his panic down, 'They're...they're attacking the village.'

"What!?" Hiccup could feel his heart almost stop. He had to get back to the village.

Hey there I hopped you enjoyed the chapter. I did plan to have the actual attack be apart of the chapter but I felt like that make it to long. I hope you're excited for the next chapter. It's a real "shock".

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