Two Tribes

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  Stoick the Vast stood along the edge of his village, waiting for the young Dragon Riders return. He prayed that they would be able to save Johann. Stoick enjoyed Johanns company-to some extent. What would these people have to gain by kidnapping him? Stoick thought, Maybe by the time the riders find them Johann would of talked them to death. Stoick chuckled at that thought. It could happen.  

"Any sign of them?'" Gobber asked as he walked up.

"None. I'm starting to worry," Stoick scanned the horizon again, hoping for-"There they are!" Stoick smiled as he saw the Dragon Riders flying in. But his smile soon turned to a frown. "Where's Astrid?" he asked once they landed.

"We got separated sir," Fishlegs explained.

"And ya did bother to look for her?" Stoick sighed.

"Na we tired," Ruffnut said as she got off of Barf.

"Yea, but a giant crazy storm that came out of nowhere made us leave," Tuffnut continued, "Can you believe that? What a rude storm!"

Stoick sighed again. He prayed for Astrids safety. If anybody could survive out's Astrid, Stoick thought.

"Oh but sir," Fishlegs slid off Meatlug and walked over to his Chief, "We did run into some people that know Hiccup."

"Hiccup..."Stoick quickly scanned the docks, "Well were are they!?"

"They're right behind us," Fishlegs told Stoick, "Their two ships are in bad shape. Some are on dragons but not all of them."

"Tell me when they get here," Stoick ordered, "I must speak to them."


It didn't take long for the people the Dragon Riders ran into to get to Berk. Stoick watched them dock. "Their ships are nearly destroyed, "Stoick noted, "What happened?" Stoick whistled and a magnificent dragon appeared in front of him.

'Do you think they know where your son is?' Thornado the Thunderdrum asked his friend.

"I pray to Odin," Stoick climbed onto Thornado. The Tidal Class flew down and landed perfectly on the docks in front of the visitors. "Welcome," Stoick stuck out a hand.

A man took his hand and they shook, "We appreciate the chance to rest. We've been looking for a new home for many years."

"I'm sorry to hear that your home is gone," Stoick gestured towards the village, "Come. Let your people rest up at our Great Hall. And then we can talk know."

"Aye...about...that," the man edged closer to Stoick, "We really don't know where your son is...but we have an idea."

Stoick forced his joy down, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of them. An idea...well...that's a start. "Come, let's talk in the Great Hall..."

"I'm Agnus," the man smiled," And this is Anrdes and Kari. Our two best Dragon Riders."

Stoick watched as a Skrill and Deadly Nadder land in front of him.

"Hello sir," Andres smiled as he got off his dragon, "This is Stormtwister."

'You have a big beard,' Stormtwister said bluntly, 'It's really red.'

"Thank you..." Stoick is unsure of how to respond to that.

"Dude...control what your dragon says. Okay man," Kari slid off her dragon slowly.

Stoick noted her behavior, "Is something wrong?"

"Mmm..." Kari rubbed the back of her head, "I...It's not something I'd like to talk about in public."

"Then let's stop standing here and go to the Great Hall," Agnus insisted.

Stoick led Agnus and his people to the Great Hall. There wasn't very man people to led, the two boats held very little. Once they were there all the people sat down. Some laid down on the ground. "You all must have been sailing for a long time," Stoick noted as he sat down in front of Agnus.

"Yes," Agnus adjusted his chair a bit, "But that isn't the matter."

Hiccup...Stoick had so many questions. Where is he? Is he okay? How long does he have to wait until he can rightfully apologize!? Stoick forced down the questions, 'Let's just start from the beginning."

"Alright," Agnus sighed, "Two of our fishermen found him beached on an island. A terrible storm had just hit. We believe that he couldn't get out of it. His Night Fury was awake but he was still out. We wanted to help but the Night Fury protected him, it thought we wanted to hurt Hiccup."

I knew that dragon was defending Hiccup on that night! Stoick thought triumphantly.

"After we got the dragon to understand that we were friends we brought the two of them back to our village. Now...we're not vikings like you are. But after we got to know him we tried to make him feel at home. Anyways, he came to the next day, he told me why he was far from home, I took him in. Then...well..."

"Well?" Stoick pushed for answers but didn't push to hard.

"We were attacked," Kari chimed in. She sat alone at the opposite end of the table. She looked like she had been through Hell, "A madman came looking for him. But when we refused he attacked. Even with our dragon we were no match...we were...out numbered. The ones you see now are the ones who escaped."

"That is my fault," Stoick sighed, "I had asked him to look for my son. But I never said to attack anybody. He was a bit insane."

"That was no surprise," Kari sat back in her chair, "I tried to find my dragon in all the fire and smoke...then I...I saw..."

"Saw what?" Stoick turned towards the girl.

"I-I-" Kari turned her head, unwilling to answer.

Stoick turned back to Agnus, "There has been a question my people have been wanting to know that answer to. Some find it-"

"He did," Kari interrupted, "He-did kill that madman."

Stoick sat back in shock. He found it hard to believe. Stoick wanted the answer for so long...but now he was sure that he liked it better not knowing.

"But it was in self defense," Kari quickly added, "He was protecting his dragon...if he didn't...Toothless would of been the one killed."

"I see," Stoick took a moment to process this information, "Now with that out of the you think you can help me find him? I understand the truth about dragons and I want to make it up to my son."

"Of course," Agnus smiled. The two began talking away. In his head Stoick cheered triumphantly. He was one step closer to finding his son.

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