Chapter one :Nightmare

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Tony stood in a grassy field, and looked around. He doesn't remember going here. "Tony..." A sweet and delicate voice called out. He turned around, to see a glowing figure, with a smile that could light the universe, hair that looked as bright as the sun, and as soft as silk. He couldn't make out the figures face, but they opened their arms for him. He felt his body move toward the person, and leap out to them. He was caught in their embrace, and a honey filled scent filled his nose. He never wanted to leave, he wanted to stay like that forever, but that wasn't the end of it. The sky darkened, thunder filled the noise in the air.
Tony looked at the figure, only to see it being taken by darkness. It reached out for him, but he couldn't move. He was stuck in place. He called out, but then the figure said "It's not your fault."

"AHHH!!" Tony Stark yelled out as he sat up in his bed. He felt the area around him. Just a dream? But it felt so real. He shook his head and leaned on the headboard. It didn't matter anymore, it wasn't real so whatever. He got out of bed and groaned as he cracked his back. He walked out of his room and started down the hall.
"Tony?" A voice called out as he entered the kitchen. It was Steve, or Captain America. "Why are you up so early?" "I could ask the same thing for you." "I asked you first Cap." Tony said as he walked to his coffee machine and started it. Steve sighed and leaned back in his chair. "I couldn't sleep. That's all." "Oh?" "Well Stark? What about you?" Tony turned around and looked at the clearly tired Steve. Hell, he looked worst than Tony.
"I had a weird nightmare. But I'll be fine now. So Cap, man you look like shit. How often do you sleep?" Steve looked at his cup of tea and mumbled something. "What was that?" "I said 2 hours." "Everyday?" "Hey! Don't go telling me when to sleep! You barely sleep!" "But when I do, I actually sleep. 2 hours.. Cap that's bad for you. You're the leader."
Steve looked away from Tony, and focused his eyes on the floor. "I just haven't been sleeping well... And I don't think there's any point to sleeping once you're up." Tony frowned and knitted his eyebrows. "Bullshit." "Excuse me?" "I call bullshit Steve. You're lying to me. I could just ask Jarvis what's been going on-" "Ok Stark! I'm having nightmares.." Tony raised an eyebrow. "About being frozen again...." Steve said and rubbed his arms. Tony sighed and dumped his coffee. He walked over to Steve and took his hand. "Tony Wh-" "Shut up. We're going to bed." "What?!" "I said shut up." Tony said and lead Steve to his room. "I'm going to change into some different clothes. Get comfortable and I'll be back." Tony said to him.
What surprised Tony, was Steve listened and laid on his bed, and curled under his blanket. Tony grabbed some clothes and walked into the bathroom. Once he was changed, he laid next to Steve and looked into his glowing blue eyes. "Thank you Stark.." Steve whispered, and nuzzled his face into the blanket. "It wasn't a problem Cap. Sleep well.." Steve shifted in the bed, and was asleep.

Tony woke up again with a groan as the sun peeked through his window. "Jarvis... Close the blinds.." "Yes sir." Once the room was a bit darker, he noticed his chest seemed to have gotten bigger through the blanket. He flipped the blanket off his chest, and his eyes widened. Steve was curled up next to him, his head on Tony's chest. Tony's cheeks heated up as he looked frantically around the room.
'Crap, I can't move, Steve is asleep and he looks so cute- did I just say CUTE?!' He thought in his head as he looked for a way out. He sighed in defeat and placed a hand on Steve's back as he pulled the blanket back up. Steve slowly smiled and moved even closer to Tony. Tony's face turned a darker red as he looked at the top of Steve's head. 'What the hell is going on?!' He thought. He felt Steve move under him, and he removed his arm. With a yawn, Steve opened his eyes and looked up to met with Tony's. His face flushed a dark red, as he jumped back. "T- Tony!" "Took you long enough Cap. Morning sunshine. Get enough sleep?" Steve nodded as he blushed more. Tony sat up and stretched out. "Good. Cause I've got work to do. So I'll chat with you later. See ya." He said and left.
But working right now was a problem. He couldn't get his mind off Steve. He felt comfortable with Steve there, and he felt safe and warm.
He groaned in frustration and smacked his head on the table. "What am I going to do Jarvis?" "About what sir?" "About Steve! I can't get him out of my head!" "I think this is what teenagers call a, crush sir." "It's not a crush Jarvis! It's different..." "Different sir?" "Well... Cap is my leader, and a friend. So yeah... Maybe it's because I let him sleep in my bed..." "Sir, Mr. Rogers is requesting to enter." Jarvis suddenly said.
Tony gulped and picked up his tools. "Let him in Jarvis." The door clicked open as Steve said a 'thank you' before walking over to Tony's desk. He smiled at Tony, as he pulled up a chair. "Is there something you need Cap?" "Well... I wanted to thank you... About last night. I feel much better now that I got some proper sleep. I really appreciate what you did.." Steve said with a blush on his face as he twirled his thumbs. Tony felt his face heat up as he smiled. "It was nothing Steve." "And Tony?" "Yes Cap?" "I- Nevermind. You have work. I'll talk to you later." Steve said and hurried off. Tony raised an eyebrow, but then shook his head. Besides, he had a ton of work to do.

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