Chapter Fourteen: Arc Reactor Child

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Two years later

"Papa! Daddy!" Peter said and ran into their room. Steve and Tony smiled and sat up in their bed. "Hello Peter. Where's Sapphire?" "Here Papa!" Sapphire said and had Peter help her onto the bed. "What are you two doing up to early?" "Did you forget again daddy?! We're going to the carnival!" Peter said and bounced on the bed. Sapphire looked at Peter, and stared to copy him.
Steve and Tony laughed at their kids and picked them up. "Come on you two. Let's get you dressed." Steve said. "I wanna dress myself papa!" Peter told Steve and hopped out of his arms. "Ok, but if you need help, ask daddy. I'll be in Sapphire's room with her." Steve said and walked off with the little girl.
Tony stood outside of Peter's room, waiting for his son to finished getting dressed. "You almost done Peter? I need to get dressed myself." "Almost daddy! Oops, wrong foot." Peter said to himself. Soon the door opened and Peter stood there with a smile. "Good job Peter!" Tony said and high-fived him.
Steve met up with Tony in the living room with Sapphire all dressed. Her blonde hair brushed back into pigtails and her blue eyes sparkling like Steve's. She held onto her iron man doll as she walked over to Tony. "Hey princess, you look beautiful. "Tank you daddy..." Sapphire whispered and hugged his leg. "Let's go!" Peter said happily.

They arrived at the fair and Peter looked around. He didn't know what to ride first. Or maybe some carnival games would do. "What do you want to do first Peter?" "I wanna ride a roller coaster!" Peter said and looked at the little kid roller coaster. "Sapphire, do you wanna ride with Peter?" "Petey!" Sapphire said and hugged her brother. Peter smiled at his little sister and then smiled up at his parents. "Alright." Steve chuckled and walked with them. Tony pulled out his phone as Peter and Sapphire got strapped up in the ride.
The ride took off and Tony started to record them. Peter and Sapphire threw their arms into the air, laughing their heads off. Steve smiled and watched them. His babies were growing up to fast, but he would enjoy every step of the way. The ride ended and they stark kids ran over to their parents, smiles plastered on their rushed filled faces. "That was so cool!" Peter said and jumped up and down.
Sapphire had Steve pick her up, and she giggled happily. "I'm glad you two liked it. Let's go on other rides, then we'll play some games." Tony said and took Peter's hand.
The day went on, and they all enjoyed themselves. "Daddy! I won a hulk toy! I have to show Uncle Bruce!" Peter said and showed off his toy he won. Tony ruffled Peter's hair and smiled. "I bet he would love that." "It's getting late Peter, let's head home." "Ok papa!"
They walked down the street, when an explosion went off a few blocks down. "Oh no.." Tony said and ran forward. Steve picked Peter up along with Sapphire and ran forward as well. Terrorists. "Steve! Get the kids to safety!" Tony yelled and held out his hand. Steve set Peter and Sapphire down and looked them in the eyes. "I want you two to stay hidden here. Don't you dare move." Steve said and ran off. Peter grabbed Sapphire, who was crying, and held onto her.
Tony's suit flew onto him and connected, and Steve grabbed his shield that he had in the car. "Let's go, I'll look for wounded." Steve said. "I'll contact the other avengers." Tony said and blasted off into the sky.
Peter rubbed Sapphire's back and tried to keep her calm. But he couldn't stop tears from falling from his eyes. He heard a crack and looked to see a man with a gun attached to his hand. He smiled and grabbed them, stuffing them into a bag. Sapphire screamed for papa, while Peter screamed at the man.
They were tossed to someone, and then dumped out. "And what's this avengers?" "Peter! Sapphire!" Steve cried when he was his kids in front of him. Peter looked up to see a tall man, mostly made of metal. He grabbed Sapphire and pulled her close, and looked at his family. "Oh... This is so sad..." The metal man laughed, then grabbed Sapphire from Peter. Peter reached out for his sister, but was then pulled back. "DON'T YOU DARE!!" Tony shouted and inched forward.
The metal man took out a syringe, and placed it on Sapphire's arm. "DON'T!!" Steve cried out and ran forward. "STEVE!!!" Tony yelled. Sapphire was injected with something, and then Steve hit the metal man with his shield. He picked Sapphire up and held her close, and the grabbed Peter.
"Stay with me baby girl." Steve said as tears rolled down his face. Sapphire looked at Steve and smiled. "Papa.." "That's right... Papa's here, and I will always be.. Shh... Just keep your eyes opened.." Steve whispered as he ran past the avengers finishing off the terrorists.

They rushed into the hospital, Sapphire being taken to the surgery room. Steve leaned on the wall, and melted down. He didn't care that people were watching, watching captain America cry. He covered his face and Bruce placed a hand on his shoulder. Peter walked over to Steve and hugged his leg, crying into the cloth. Tony was whipping his own tears, and then picked Peter up. "She'll be ok Peter.." "I want Sapphire!" Peter wailed out and laid his head on Tony's iron man armor. "I know.. I know.."

The doctor came out and opened the waiting room door. "Starks?" Steve and Tony looked up. "Follow me." Tony rushed after him while Steve picked up Peter and followed behind. "My daughter.. Is she?" "Alive. We got the virus out of her system... The only problem is it affected her heart. She's being kept alive by a machine right now." The doctor said and looked through the window of Sapphire's room. Steve covered his mouth and looked at his baby. "It's being powered with power?" "Yes." "Do you think I can make a arc reactor? Would that be ok?!" "If it worked on you, it should work on her." "I will.."

It took a week, before Tony finished the arc reactor. It took an hour, and then Sapphire was back on her feet. Tony brought her home and let her inside. Steve burst into tears and picked her up, holding her close, but not squeezing her. Peter smiled at Sapphire, who smiled back at him. "Thank you Tony... Thank you.." Steve said and kissed Sapphire's head over and over again.

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