Chapter Nine: Welcome Peter

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     It was about five months after the whole Ultron thing. Everyone was always on edge, but everything was going to be fine. Well... If you didn't cross the now seven month pregnant captain America. Steve was calm most of the time, but if you pushed him too much, he'd pick up his shield and throw it at you, or yell at you and disappears to his room. And if you pissed him off just enough, he'd threaten to call Bucky and then walk away... Well more like waddle off. The only person he was never mad at was Bruce.
     Steve sat in his bed, reading a book when the lights went out. He frowned and threw the covers off of him and got up. He rubbed his stomach as his baby inside him kicked him. "Easy kiddo... Papa's going I find out what the commotion is." Steve said and grabbed a flash light. He turned it on and made his way to Tony's lab. "Tony? Dear?" Steve called out and waved the flash light from anything that moved in his dark lab. "Over here..." Tony called from the floor of his lab. Steve walked over to Tong and looked down at him. "You ok?" "Yeah... I think I did something to the power though..." Tony said and stood up. Steve frowned and signed. "Well... I'll go cheek on the others while you fix it." "K. Love you." Tony said and kissed Steve, then kissed the side of Steve's extended stomach. Steve smiled and walked off with the flash light.
     He cheeked up on the avengers, who were all fine and Bruce and Thor went to help Tony.
     Steve sat down on the couch while the baby kicked his side. "Easy now baby... Daddy's going to fix the lights..." Steve said and rubbed his stomach. The baby didn't listen and kicked him harder. Steve winced and glared at his stomach. "You're Tony's kid alright..." He mumbled. He leaned back on the couch and started to nod off.
     He suddenly woke up an hour later with the lights on, and Tony sitting next to him, talking to the baby in his stomach. "Did I wake you?" "No... The baby did.." "You mean Peter." "We don't know that yet." "Well I was talking to the stinker. I think he likes to kick you." "You think?" Steve growled and yawned. "Have you been getting enough sleep?" "Yeah.. I guess." "Steve..." "Blame the baby. He or she keeps me up all night.." Steve mumbled and leaned on Tony. Tony rubbed Steve's stomach and smiled as Steve started to fall asleep again. Tony kissed his husband's head and hummed a soft tune into his ear. The baby's kicking stopped. "Jarvis, turn off the light." The light was turned off and the baby started kicking against Tony's hands. "Jarvis, turn them back on." Tony said. The lights turned off and the baby stopped kicking.
     "What are you talking about?" Steve asked Tony after his nap. "That baby hates when the lights go off. So I'll have to make sure we don't have a black out again. That way you can get more sleep." Tony said as he started tinkering with the power switches. "I don't get it Tony." "Jarvis, turn off the lights." The baby started to kick. "Turn them on." The baby stopped. Steve looked down at his stomach, then at Tony. "Well... Our kid doesn't like the dark..." Tony nodded and looked at Steve.
     He'd never get use to the way Steve looked when he was pregnant. "I'll finish up here, the I'll get us something to eat." "No, I'll cook something." Steve said with a smile.

     Two more months passed as Steve came to the point were he could only walk short distances without wanting to collapse of tiredness and dizziness. Even though everyone on the team told him to take it easy, Steve was still always up and walking. Tony then had Jarvis watch Steve's every move 24/7.
     But this day, Tony had a mission. "And I want you to call if anything, and I mean if anything happens. Jarvis will contact me and I'll fly here right away. If you need something to eat, the wheelchair will be near by and-" "I'll be fine Tony. It's only going to be for today. Then you can come home and we'll spend some time with our baby ok?" Steve said and kissed Tony's cheek. Tony hugged his husband and gave a passionate kiss to him. "I know I know... I'm just worried that's all..." "I know dear, but the baby and I will be fine. The baby's due date wasn't until next week. I'll take it easy until then. Ok?" Tony nodded and kneeled down to Steve's stomach. "Now go easy on your papa, you hear me stinker? Your daddy, aunt, and uncles will be gone but that doesn't mean you're off the hook. Let papa sleep and be nice ok?" Tony said and kissed the bump. Steve smiled and rubbed his stomach as he watched Tony walk off. He gave Tony one last wave, before Tony was out of sight.
     Steve walked over to the couch and sat down, picking up his book and began to read.
    A hour or so past when Steve winced at the kick the baby gave him. "Hey, that wasn't nic- ok! Ok bathroom break!" Steve said and started to walk to the bathroom, when he felt something squishy and wet drip between his legs. 'Oh... Shit...' Steve thought.
     He stumbled over to the couch and laid back. He had no idea what to do. "J- Jarvis?" "Yes Master Stark?" "C- Call Tony... N- Now!!" He yelled as a contraction hit. "Calling master Stark." Jarvis said as a screen appeared next to Steve like a phone.
     "Steve? What's wrong?" Tony asked. Steve could hear fighting, and bit back a groan as the baby kicked him. "T- Tony... Oh god Tony... I- It time.." "T- Time?" "The baby decided a week was too long Tony..." Steve said and the groaned in pain as another contraction hit. "Fuck! We're on our way!" Tony said and hung up.
    Steve made his way to the bedroom and laid on the bed. Tony said they were coming, but they better hurry.
     He heard the sound of the elevator and the sound of Tony's iron suit running through the house. "Steve!" "In here!" Steve called. Tony and Bruce entered the room, Clint behind them. "Just breath Steve." Tony whispered into his ear.
     The next 4 hours were horrible. Everything hurt, and Steve wanted it to all go away. The voices of the room were drowned out by the sound of his own scream. He was a panting, screaming, crying, sweaty mess. Finally, a baby's cry filled his ears. "Ten toes, ten fingers, and he's healthy. It's a boy." Bruce said and cleaned their baby up. Clint wrapped the baby in a blue blanket and handed the baby to Steve. Steve let all his held tears fall when he saw the face of his baby. "Hello... Peter Parker Stark..." Steve whispered, his voice weak from screaming. Natasha and Thor came into the room and looked at Peter. "Isn't he a cutie." "I'm so proud of you Man of Iron and Steven" Thor said with a proud smile.
     Tony stared at Peter, a mix of positive emotions. He let a few tears fall as he smiled at his son. His baby, his pride and joy. He was going to raise this baby better than his father raised him. Steve held out Peter to Tony, who happily held him. Peter's yes slowly opened, to show Tony his own brown eyes. "He has my eyes... But he had your beauty." Tony whispered and kissed his baby's head. Steve smiled and laid back, ready for rest. "I'm gonna get... Some sleep." Steve whispered. Everyone left the room and surrounded Tony as he held Peter. "Say hello to your family... Peter Stark." Tony said to him.

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