Chapter Seven: They have Steve

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(Time skip to after they help Bruce)

      Steve got out of his nightmare and turned around. It was the team. He picked up his shield and placed it on his back. He walked over to the team, who all had worried and angry expressions.
     "What the hell Steve!" Natasha yell at him. Steve looked at his hands and didn't say a word. "I came to help." "You could have been killed!" "I'm not totally weak Natasha! I'm a super soldier. I can fight!" "You're pregnant Steve! You put another life on the line! Not just your own!" "I know what I was doing!" They argument was cut off when Tony landed on the ground and looked at Steve. "The hell were you thinking?!" "I wanted to help! I stayed out of the way, until you guys sounded like you need help. So I came and helped!" Tony then hugged Steve and held him close. "So many things could have went wrong Steve... I was worried enough about you..." Tony whispered. "I'm sorry... I know it was stupid, but I had a gut feeling.." "Let's get out of here.." Tony said to the team.
      They made it back to the safe house, where Clint's wife was waiting and happy to see Steve was ok. They sat at the table that night, and talked about what happened. "Thor? You ok?" Steve asked him. Thor seemed a bit off. "I saw something.... And I need answers. I won't find them here..." Thor said and walked toward the door. Steve sighed as he watched Thor head off the Asgard. "They're picking us off one by one..." Steve said and looked at the others. "There's only four of us for now..." "What about-" "Steve if you say another word, I'll kick your ass to tomorrow." Natasha warned him. "I'm going to go lie down." Steve said and stormed off. "Hormones..." Clint mumbled. "You should talk to him Tony..." Natasha mumbled and then she was going to go talk to Bruce. Tony sighed and walked up to the bedroom him and Steve shared and knocked on the door. "Steve... Steve can I come in?" The door made a click sound and Steve walked back over to their bed and hid his face in his hands. "Steve... Babe.." "I'm such a fool... Natasha's right..." Steve said, his voice shaky. Tony sat down next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's ok babe... You just wanted to help, and you did great. But for now, you need to take it easy and slow... Ok?" Tony said with a soft smile. Steve smiled back and leaned on Tony's shoulder. "Ok."

                 Time skip

     It had been at least a month since their last encounter with Ultron. Everyone has been on edge, and spent most of their time tracking him down. The farm house was their safe haven right now.
     Steve walked out of the shower and started to dry off when he looked in the mirror. "Tony!" He called out. He heard a thump and the sound of someone crashing into different objects. Steve pulled his pants up when Tony entered the room. "What is it?! Something wrong?! Do you need something?!" Steve laughed and turned to look at him. Tony's eyes landed on the baby bump that had grown. Tony walked over and got onto his knees, and placed his hands on it. "Heh, the stinker got bigger." Steve rolled his eye as Tony hugged around his waist. "Tony... I need to get my shirt on so I can come downstairs..." Steve said softly and ran his fingers through Tony's hair. "But.. But..." "You can cuddle with me downstairs Tony." Steve said and pulled a shirt on. Tony smiled and walked downstairs with Steve,holding his hand. "Steve? You doing cool? We heard you yell for Tony." "Oh! I'm ok. No need to worry." "Ok. We were also planing on heading back to the tower and wanted to know if you wanted to come to grab some of your things. Then we'll bring you back here." "Why?" "We think we've located Ultron." Natasha said as she gave Thor another poptart. "I see, alright. There's a few thing I could use to help me pass the time. I'll be quick." "We're sending Thor in there with you. He'll keep you safe if something goes wrong." "Ok" Steve said and took a bite of his toast.
      They arrived at the tower after noon and Thor and Steve entered. "Grab what you need to Steven. But stay on guard." Steve nodded and walked to his room and started to pack some of his clothes,a few books, and some comfy pillows (he feels bad about using Clint's softest pillows). He stood up and walked out to the living room where he left Thor, to see he was gone. "Thor...?" He asked and looked around. Suddenly his mouth was covered and he looked to see Thor. Then he saw that girl, Scarlet Witch. "Night night Captain." She said as Steve's world started to grow dark.

     Tony sat in the jet, waiting for his husband and Thor to return. "Where are they?" Tony asked Natasha as she tried to get a hold of Thor. "I can't get a hold of Thor. You know what, where going in." Natasha replied and grabbed her gun. They rushed inside to see Thor on the floor, knocked out. "Thor!" Natasha yelled and kneeled next to him. Thor opened his eyes and sat up. "Steven!" "What happened?!" Tony asked him. "That witch... She used me... Oh gods... Steven..." Thor said and placed a hand on his head. "Steve, what about Steve??" "They took  Steven..." Tony felt his whole world come crashing down with those few words.
     "We can find him." "How?!" "After we attacked Hyrda in Europe, I planted a tracking device on Steve without him knowing." Tony said and pulled out a GPS.

     Steve groaned and rubbed his head and sat up. He rubbed his eyes and looked around the area. 'What the hell... Where am I- That's right! Thor and that Scarlet Witch... Oh god...' Steve thought and looked around. "Hello." A voice said. Steve turned around and looked and gasped. "You're QuickSliver.... Yeah... What do you want with me?" Steve asked and stood up. QuickSliver smiled and ran around the cell that Steve was in, than ran inside. "I'm just doing my job. You're the weakness, and then the avengers are useless... But we'll keep you around... I guess." QuickSliver told him and ran back out. Steve walked up to the door, and looked the man in the eyes. "You don't have to do this... You don't have to work for Hydra.. They won't do you any good... You're your own person..." Steve said. A bell went off and QuickSliver gave Steve one last look. "Too late.." A breeze rushed around Steve, and he felt a kiss on his cheek before he was alone. 'What have I gotten myself into...?'

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