Chapter Twenty Three: Finding out

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     Steve threw his shield at the soldiers as Tony blasted them. "We've cleared off Main Street!" Clint's voice called through com. "We still have more coming!" Natasha yelled back. "Maybe you need our help." A voice said as a girl landed. "Vibranium. Spider- Man." Steve greeted. "We may not be big heroes, but we'd love to help." Spider-man said. "Hydra's out of your league kids." Tony said as he landed next to Steve. "We might need them Tony." Natasha said through the com. "Ugh! Fine. You guys take care of these soldiers. Cap and I are going in!" Tony said and lifted Steve up, heading towards the main enemy.
      "You heard them!" Spider-Man said and started to fight. Vibranium rolled her eyes under her mask and blasted a solider behind Spider-Man. "Keep your guard up!" "Yes mother!" Spider-Man called back. The soldiers went down quickly, and they looked around. "Maybe they need help inside." "You know them Spidy. They'll be fine." "But... If we help them, we might prove ourselves worthy of being part of SHIELD." Spider-Man said and shot a web out, then swung off. "Wait up!" Vibranium yelled and bounced after him.
       Spider-Man and Vibranium fought their way through, until they saw the other avengers. "That's the last of them. Thanks for the extra help." Steve said to the teens. "It wasn't that big of a deal. We were happy to help." Vibranium said. There was a low laugh, and they all turned their attention to one of the soldiers laying on the ground. He stood up and Tony raised a hand, ready to blast him. "You can not win Captain America.." He spoke. Spider-Man followed his gaze, to a building. He squinted and say a gun peeking out. "This is your last breath."
"LOOK OUT!!" Spider-Man yelled and pushed Steve out of the way, as the gun's bullets hit him in the chest. Clint raised a bow a shot the solider on the roof, while Tony shot the other one.
      Vibranium didn't care about her identity anymore as she watched her brother gasping for air. "PETER!" She yelled and ran to his side,throwing her helmet off. "Sapphire?!" Tony yelled as Steve ran to Spider-Man's side. Steve pulled the mask off and gasped. "Peter... Oh Peter... Stay awake." Steve said and pressed down on the wound. Bruce ran over with a medical kit, and helped Steve out with Peter. "I can explain dad-" "Good because you two are so grounded! What the hell were you thinking?! You could have been killed! Or kidnapped! Do you know how fucking worried Steve and I would have been? I would have went insane!" Tony yelled at his daughter. "Peter and I had every right to fight! What do you expect from child of superheroes?!" "WILL YOU TWO KNOCK IT OFF?!! PETER'S DYING SO SHUT THE HELL UP!" Steve's voice yelled, tears falling down his cheeks as Bruce and Clint carried Peter to the jet. Tony's face saddened, and he pulled his sobbing husband into a hug. Sapphire ran over to them and hugged them, trying to give her papa comfort.

      Peter groaned and slowly opened his eyes at a light. He felt a pain in his chest as he try to sit up, then a hand on his shoulder. "Take it easy stinker.." "Dad- I can explain-" "No need to.. Sapphire bet you to it." Tony said. Steve and Sapphire came into the room, and walked to the side of Peter's bed. Steve was holding a box of things and Sapphire had a tray of food. "So.." "We're grounded.. " Sapphire said and handed him a cup of water. "Yeah... I saw that one coming... When can I get out of this hospital?" "Since you have better healing abilities than most people, you'll be out in a few days. But I brought some things so you could be entertained." Steve said with a smile. "We weren't caught on TV right?" "No, not your faces anyway. They tried but failed. They did get the fight." "It was one hell of a fight too." Tony snickered and Steve smiled softly. "So what's all in the box." "A projector. I thought we could watch a few old home videos." Steve said as Tony helped him set it up. Sapphire turned off the light and sat in a chair. Tony hooked up a video camera, and a video started to play.

      "There he is!" Tony said as he held the camera, and faced it towards Steve. Steve looked straight at the camera and sighed with a smile. His pregnant belly sticking out from under his shirt. "What are you doing Tony?" "What does it look like? I'm getting memories! Also, I wanted to try out this camera so a win win for me!" Steve rolled his eyes and walked over to the camera, and put his hand over it.
       The next video started, and it was the sound of humming. Steve was sitting with a small blue bundle, as he rocked in a rocking chair. The camera was peeking around the door, zoomed in. Steve looked up and smiled at the camera, as he continued to sing softly. Soon he stood up and placed the bundle into a crib, and the camera shuffled inside and peeked into the crib. "Night night Peter." Tony's voice whispered behind the camera. The baby wiggled a little bit, sleeping peacefully and soundly. Tony's hand reached out, and Peter grabbed it in his sleep. "I love you too bud... Lots and lots."
       The next video had Peter running around, dressed as mini Thor, carrying around a fake hammer. Steve, who was smiling at the almost 1 year old, watched as Thor proudly smiled at Peter. "My midguard nephew! Let's us do another lap!" Thor's cheery voice boomed as they took off into another sprint. "We're never getting him to nap are we?" Tony asked from behind the camera. "Nope." Steve said and went back to reading his book.
       It skipped to later that day, showing Peter curled up in Tong's chest, face next to the arc reactor. Tony was passed out, and hand on Peter to keep him from falling. Steve's hand reached from behind the camera and pulled a blanket over them. Steve then leaned into view and kissed their foreheads. "Sleep tight." He whispered and turned the camera off.
      There was the shuffling of feet, and the camera wobbled. Tony came into view, roaring and chasing Peter. He shrieked and giggled as Tony picked him up and threw him up into the air. Steve could be heard laughing behind the camera, along with the other avengers. The camera was handed off to someone, and Steve walked out rubbing his stomach. "Did dad get you Peter?" "Papa!" Peter smiled and reached out. Steve kissed Peter's chubby cheek, and Tony kissed the other. "A prefect family picture." Natasha's voice said. Peter jumped down and ran up to the camera, as it was panned down to see him. "How old are you Peter?" "I'm 2!" He said and held out two fingers. "Who are we again Petey?" "Aunt Nasha, Unce Buce, Unce Cwint, and Unce Thor!" Peter giggled and smiled. "That's right little bird!" Clint said and gave him a high five. "Are you excited about being a big brother?" Bruce asked, squaring down to look at him. "Yeah! My little brother and I will do everything together!" "Or sister Peter." Tony reminded him. Peter didn't pay attention and ran over to Tony, and threw his arms up. Tony picked him up and smiled, then the camera turned off.
      The next video showed Steve reading to Peter and the new baby, Sapphire. Peter was leaning on Steve, trying not to sleep, while Sapphire slept peaceful in Steve's arms. "Then I'll huff, and puff, and blow your house down!" Steve read. Peter smiled and rubbed his eyes, then yawned. Steve kept reading, until Peter's eyes closed and he was snoring softly. "Had fun with story time?" Tony asked. Steve smiled at him and held out Sapphire, which Tony happily took. Steve picked Peter up and walked away, while the camera walked to Sapphire's room. The little blonde girl was laid in the bed, and then a music box was played. Tony hummed along, and slowly made his way to the door, then shut it behind him. Steve walked out and smirked at Tony. "Why do you still have that camera?" "Because I'm catching a beautiful being in all its glory." Tony said. Steve's face flushed a little as he rolled his eyes. "Turn it off before you get an ideas. And don't stay in your lab all night." Steve said and the camera turned off.
     The next video showed Sapphire with her arc reactor glowing under her dress. Steve was brushing her hair, then put into two pony tails. Sapphire turned around, holding her iron man doll and smiled at the camera. "Daddy!" "Hey baby girl. Do you like your night light?" "I'm like you!" She said and got out of the chair, and ran over by his legs, looking up. "Yeah, now we can both be flash lights." "And super heroes! Like him!" Sapphire said and held up her doll. Tony's hand reached out and ruffled her hair, and she giggled. Peter walked in and she ran over, and let him pick her up. "Petey! I'm a flash light!" Tony snorted and Peter smiled. "Yeah? Wanna go play on the x box?" "Can you go easy on me?" Sapphire asked as he carried her off. The camera was brought up to Steve's face, who had a smile, then he turned to Tony. "You're never going to get rid of that camera are you?" "Nope."

       The lights came back on, and Tony unplugged everything and set them back into the box. Sapphire and Peter were smiling, tears in their eyes. Steve took their hands and smiled. "I don't care that you two are helping. I'm happy that you're superheroes. I couldn't be prouder... Just... I wish you told us sooner... I love you two so much." He said and kissed their foreheads. Peter and Sapphire hugged him tightly, and sobbed tears of joy into his chest. Tony sat their with a smirk, with the camera in his hand, filming the moment. Steve sighed at Tony, and smiled down at his children.

Author's note- Sorry for the wait! I had major writers block. But I have a good idea for the next chapter! This story has over 900 reads! Thank you all so much! I also have another story called 'Second Chance' and there will be some new content from my friend who is also using this account.


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