Chapter 9: His Sharingan

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('') Hey!!!

"Give me therapy .. I'm a walking travesty, but I'm smiling and everything..."

-All Time Low, Therapy.

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We were called by the Hokage for a mission. Which was weird because, we already did one mission today.

"This is great! Another Mission!" Satoshi said excitedly.

"Hmm, don't get your hopes up Satoshi... Maybe he just wants to remark on our last mission." Natsumi-sensei said.

That would be likely the case a we did a horrible job on finding 3 grumpy and mean cats, but in the end we did found them.

Natsumi-sensei opened the door, and immediately eyes were all on us.

"Team 7 will be also accompanying you." Hokage-sama said.

Team 2 nodded. "Team 7, you and Team 2 are going to guard the Fire Daimyō while on his annual visit here in Konoha."

"The Fire Daimyō is an important person, also he doesn't like to keep others waiting or waiting in general, so I suggest all of you to be at the gates as soon as possible. Understood?"

"Yes!" Satoshi and I said simultaneously, while Akira just nodded.

"We're on it." Natsumi-sensei said.

Few Moments later..

As others were ahead of us, Itachi-kun and I stayed back. It's a bit awkward..

"What happened to your hand?" Itachi-kun suddenly asked.

I was taken back a bit. "Oh... It's just cat scratches.."

Maybe it was awkward because Shinko, Itachi-kun's teammate, is right infront of us.

Then all of a sudden, a masked man appeared and blew everything away. Literally.
Natsumi-sensei and Yuki-sensei were already down. We already know that we are not match for him.

All of us armed and cautious. This is bad, I got a bad feeling about this.
Tenma, Itachi-kun's other teammate, and Satoshi tried to counter attack.
Then all I see is...



Moments Later...

We were at the Konoha Hospital. All bandaged up, and Satoshi's mother crying.

I'm guessing the other lady was Tenma's mother. I feel so bad for not protecting Satoshi.

I could have healed him....I could have put my little knowledge about Medical Ninjutsu into use....

But, I was too late...

Days later...

I was walking towards Itachi-kun's house, it was the first time in three days that I actually went outside.

I just wanted to know if he's okay now, and Shisui-kun said that he awakened his sharingan...and I want to have a look.

Which was weird according to Shisui.

"Good Afternoon, Mikoto-san!" I greeted.

"Oh it's nice to see you here Minako, how are you?" She asked.

"Uhmm...I'm doing well. Mikoto-san, is Itachi here?" I asked.

"Yes he's inside, you can come here inside if you want."

"Are you sure? Am I not gonna bother him, maybe he is doing something and-" Mikoto-san cut me off.

"Yes, he's probably doing nothing, I told him not to strain himself. C'mon, come in.." She said and kindly smiled.

I went inside. "He might be out there in the backyard."

I entered a room and was greeted by Sasuke. "Mina-chan!"

I smiled. "Hey Sasuke!... Is your big brother here?"

"He's out there.." He pointed at a wall. Maybe he is... outside..

"Is he doing something?" I asked.

"He's practically meditating."

"Ohh... I guess, I have to wait here then.." I said.

"But, I think he's done, I'll show you to him!" He grabbed my hand and dragged me out.

I looked at my right and there he is. Sasuke pushed me towards Itachi-kun, what's wrong with this kid?

Then he went back inside, Oh boy..
Okay just start a conversation... Uh...

"Itachi? How've you been?" I asked.

He looked at me. " Mina-chan you're here!?! Did the hospital already released you?!?"

"oh, yeah. That's why I'm able to visit you here.." I smiled and took a seat.

Let's just say that we talked a lot of things... when I mean of A lot . I really mean A LOT.

I now know that Itachi is going to take the Chūnin Exams alone, "Do you still have a team?" He asked.

"Yeah I do, we have a new teammate, his name is Kiyo..." I said.

"Itachi-kun, can I see your eyes?" I asked

He looked at me confused. "I meant your sharingan, I would like to see your sharingan... Well, if you want to.."

"Oh.. Okay sure..." He said, and his eyes turned red.

"Wow... It's so cool..." I said.
A day before the Chuunin Exams...

Someone anonymous, or maybe one of the elders called me and Itachi, I don't know why but, I am standing inside a room, that has a short pillar at the center.

I was asked, well actually commanded, to stand on the pillar without getting hit by hundreds of kunais which could be triggered by the strings attached to the pillar.

Third person p.o.v.

Itachi and Minako didn't know that they were observed. Both having high scores in the academy and both are prodigies.

The Hokage has good intentions, for they could be the keys for Konoha's good future, and maybe the whole world.

But, with in every light, there's a shadow.

A man who wants them for his own bidding, a man who wants to use them for their abilities...

And that man, had observed them right as they finished their task in hand.

The man smirked.

"They will be in my control soon enough.."

And left in peace.

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Sorry this sucks...balls. I realized that I'm dragging the story, into a boring piece of shit.

Even though it already is.

Next Chapter I'll make it snappy. I hope.


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Thank you so much for reading!!
I really don't care that much about votes.. Even though it is very important.. It's just eh...

Stay tuned for Chapter 10: Chuunin Exams!!

lots of love xoxo

-Laters ( ˘ ³˘)

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