Breaking Up & Making Up ✔️

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Y/N's POV:

You placed your phone down on the kitchen counter after you had finished texting your friend, Nash.

You and Shawn were spending the dark, rainy day inside baking cookies and watching movies. You absolutely loved spending days like this with him. These were the days that kept you remembering why you fell in love with him.

Your phone began vibrating on the marble counter top but your hands were covered in cookie dough.

"Want me to get that for you, babe?" Shawn asked as you failed to get the dough off your hands.

"Yes please" you replied, smiling at him.

After he hung up he reported back to you that it was your dad saying that he and your mom made it home safely from their dinner. You always get nervous when your loved ones drive in bad whether, so hearing that they are okay and home made you sigh in relief.

He stayed on your phone a bit longer than usual, scrolling through something that had completely absorbed his attention.

"What's up?" you asked, concern glazing over your face as you took in his expression.

Shawn's head snapped back to you, anger growing in his eyes.

"Really Y/N?" he said in a dumbfounded tone. You stared at him in disbelief, confused by what could've made him so angry.

"What happened? Why are you angry?" You said nervously. Your eyes focused on Shawn as he sarcastically laughed at your reply.

"Why the are you talking to Nash behind my back? Even after he admitted to being in love with you? Why would you even want to entertain this?" Your jaw dropped, unable to take in what he was saying for a minute.

"He's my friend Shawn! I'm not going to leave him because he feels something for me. He's aware I don't feel the same, he respects it. There's no reason to drop our friendship if he hasn't given me one." You slammed your hand down on the table, determined to prove how upset this was beginning to make you. You guys have already fought about this enough.

Shawn let out another laugh, one that was laced with hate rather than any kind of happiness and shook his head at you, knocking off a glass bowl from the table in the process.

"If you really believe that he's never going to act on his feelings then you're more naive than I thought. He's a guy Y/N. He won't just walk away from his feelings." He yelled at you, something in which he had never done before.

"When was the last time he's ever done anything to make you feel like he was going to act on his feelings? Never. He wouldn't do that Shawn. You were friends with him before he admitted his feelings. You know how he is just as much as I do." Your heart broke a bit with every word that fell from your mouth, knowing Shawn wouldn't let this go. Not this time.

"I can't do it Y/N. I don't trust him. I won't sit here in constant worry, wondering when he will finally make his move." Shawn replied, his voice a little quieter than last time.

"I have to go. I can't be here right now. I'm sorry" he said as he walked away.

You heard the door slam and you sank to the floor, finally allowing the tears to escape from your eyes, your heart shattered as quickly as the glass bowl did, both breaks caused by Shawn.

You reached for your phone and dialed his number but it went straight to voicemail. You couldn't blame him. If the roles were reversed, you'd probably be upset too. That was a hard pill you had to swallow. As much as you loved Nash, you'd have to distance yourself from him to keep him from getting a his lines crossed. You'd expect the same from Shawn.

Your phone started vibrating next to you, "Shawn?" you answered without looking at the caller ID, hoping that you'd hear his voice on the other end telling you that it would all be okay and he's coming home.

"No it's Nash, are you okay Y/N?" you sighed at this, your heart dropping at the reply you didn't want.

"Not really, Shawn and I had a fight and he left" you whispered, trying to hide the fact that your voice was breaking slightly at the thought of him being so upset he could decide to leave you.

"Oh I'm sorry Y/N, what happened?" He replied with concern, but something in his tone felt like he was glad to hear you guys fought. Like he was hoping there was more to it than that. You couldn't explain it, but you know what you heard. That's when you knew that this needed to stop. He'd never respect Shawn enough to hold himself back.

"Listen Nash... I think we should maybe stop talking so much. I love you, you know I do. But I can't allow your feelings to get between Shawn and I. I will always be here when you need me, but we should put a stop to talking all the time. I'm so sorry to do it this way." you say quickly, hoping to rip off the band-aid. It hurt too bad to drag it out.

Nash sadly sighed from the other end of the phone, "oh wow, um okay. Im sorry Y/N. I never wanted to come between your relationship. As much as care about you and as much as you may not believe me, I DO respect Shawn and I'd never do anything to hurt him or you. You're one of my best friends." He said, his voice becoming a whisper. You could tell by the sound of it that he was getting choked up.

You close your eyes as tears began to fall.

"I will always love you Nash. You've been my best friend for so long, but I have to do this for my relationship. He's my person. I can't lose him." you say trying to explain further.

"Y/N, baby, I understand. It kills me, but I get it. I wish you guys the best."
He said in genuine tone.

"Thank you. I love you." you say as a goodbye.

"I love you too" he said before he hung up.

Tears are falling down your face as you get up and grab the broom so you could sweep up the glass that littered the floor.

Just as you finished, Shawn walked back in. You look to him in relief and he gives you a forced smile.

"How can we make this work?" he whispered, his eyes searched yours for an answer. You could tell he had been crying, his bloodshot eyes were glassy and full of sadness.

You look at him with matching red eyes and reach up to kiss him. You could tell he had a hard time deciding what to do but he gives in and kisses you back passionately. Both of your tears begin falling and mixing. Yours in relief that he was back, and his in fear that this will be the last kiss.

As you pull away you say "I told Nash you meant too much to me to let his feelings come between us. As much as I will always love and appreciate him, I couldn't continue speaking to him if it made you uncomfortable. Not if it meant losing you."

He looks at you with eyes that show relief, love and happiness. They also show a genuine glint of sadness. For what you had to lose because of this.

"I'm sorry I feel so worried about this. I wish I could bring myself to trust him, I really do. I'm so sorry I can't stop feeling scared. It's my fault you had to lose someone today" he said sadly.

"I'd do it again a thousand times over for you." You say looking him in the eyes so he could see the honesty in them.

Shawn looked you in the eyes, a glimmer of hope and love flashed across his face as he leaned in and pressed his soft lips to yours, making an unspoken promise that you guys would be able to go through anything together.

Shawn stood in between your legs as you got up on the kitchen counter, you wrapped your legs and arms around him and held on as he carried you to your room. He placed you down softly on the bed and laid down next to you, he used his thumb to rub small circles onto your cheek as he gazed into your eyes.

"I really love you Y/N, more than you'll ever know" Shawn murmured as he continued to stroke your cheek, placing a tender kiss on your forehead.

"I love you too, please don't leave again" you whimpered.

"Never, my love. Never" he said with sleep laced in his voice.

You smiled as your eyes fluttered closed. This was where you were meant to be. This was your person.

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