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*RINGGG* the bell after 5th period sounded, meaning it was time for lunch. You gathered your things, put your ear buds in and started listening to Human by Christina Perri. It was your favourite song. You felt it described you. You were the loner girl, the one that gets bullied constantly, the girl who had no friends. The one who always felt so...alone. You head to your locker to get your books. Once you got to your locker you noticed the group of "the populars" walking your way. Great. Just what you needed.

"Awh look how cute! The school loser standing all alone, as always!" Lauren (random name) laughed as she made fun of you. "What crappy music are you listening to now?" You closed you locker and tried to walk away. "Brat I was talking to you!" She knocked you down and yelled at you. Everyone just laughed as she tortured you. She picked up your private notebook that you were carrying. It was the notebook that you wrote all your deepest feelings in, also your original songs. You looked around wondering if any of these people looked guilty like they should. You recognized a few faces. There was Nash, Lauren's boyfriend, and Cameron. Nash and Cameron were famous so they never noticed you, let alone cared what tier friends did to you. The rest were Lauren's stupid friends.

"Awh guys look she writes songs. She's such a wannabe. To bad she sucks" she scoffed. She started tearing page after page out of your notebook. Everyone still stood there and laughed. Just then someone rounded the corner. "Hey guys sorry I'm- what's going on?" He said looking at you on the floor with tears in your eyes. You knew him. His name was Shawn Mendes. He was also famous, he was apart of Magcon like Nash and Cameron. He was in a few of your classes, the only nice popular person you knew. He wasn't a douche like the rest. "LAUREN WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING TO HER NOTEBOOK!?" He yelled as he noticed what she was doing. "I'm destroying what's already crap, honestly I'm doing her a favor" she laughed, Shawn then grabbed the notebook from her and helped you pick up the scraps of the ripped up pages. "God you're a brat!" Lauren gasped and stomped away. You took the pages from Shawn and muttered a thanks as you ran away, not wanting him to see you cry. You ran to the only place you felt at peace in the school. The music room.

You took the guitar from the stand and started strumming the chords. You started playing Human, that song made you feel better. You got so into the song you didn't notice that someone had walked in. After the song you heard someone clapping. You froze. "You're really good!" You recognized the voice. It was Shawn. You just stared at him, not knowing what to do or say. You looked down and blushed feeling embarrassed that someone has heard you. You never sang or played in front of everyone. Why give the bullies a reason to make your life worse right? "(Y/n) right?" "Yea." You gathered your things wanting to get out of there. He grabbed your wrist to stop you. "Don't leave. I saw you run in here and I wanted to make sure you were okay. And then I heard you signing and I decided to listen and wait for you to be done." "Thanks, but I'm fine." "(Y/n) you can talk to me, I won't hurt you. I can keep a secret." "You don't understand and I don't expect you to, so no thanks, I'm fine." "What won't I understand?" You got a little annoyed with his persistence. "Shawn you wouldn't understand what it's like to be bullied all the time, to have no friends, to be hated by people who you have never spoken to or did anything wrong to. You are popular, you have friends, fans, people to tell you to stay strong or tell you that they love you. I have no one. I'm alone all the time. I don't have friends, fans or anyone to tell me everything will be ok." You saw the look in his eyes change. "(Y/n) I know that feeling. I get hate from people I don't even know all the time telling me I suck and to kill myself. For every fan I have telling me they love me, there are 5 haters telling me to die. I know what it's like. That's why I want to tell you to stay strong and that I'm here for you." You just stared at him, you weren't expecting that. "I'm sorry I didn't know-" "Its ok. I just want you to know I care about you, a lot." "Really?" He was the only boy worth talking to at this hell hole of a school. He wasn't like the rest. You saw something different in him. "(Y/n) I always wanted to talk to you, I just never knew what to say and I would just get to nervous to. But I really like you (y/n) and if you would like to, I would love to take you on a date sometime." You couldn't help but smile. He was so sweet and caring. "I like you to and I would love to go out with you."

*1 year later*

You and Shawn are still going strong as ever. People stopped bullying you in school, it still happens just not as much. Shawn made you feel better. He makes you feel special and that you're worth something. He has even gotten you on stage a couple of times to sing with him, because he reassured you that everything would be ok. He is always there to talk and for you to let everything out. You loved you and you loved him.


Don't know how I feel about it but oh well. Hope you enjoyed!!


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