It's Breaking Me

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Angirly, you slammed the car door and stomped your way to the front door. Tear welled up in your eyes, and your heart beated at an immense pace.

You heard the same loud shut of the door, like you did, as you fummbled around with your keys, trying to look for the one which was to your house.

You walked quickly into your house, and whipped your body around, so you were face to face with your boyfriend, Shawn. You saw multiple feelings flush his eyes, turning them gloomy and dark. Sadness. Embarrasment. Anger.

Earlier that night, you were invited to a banquet for your work. It was quite important to you, considering it was your job, and your boss expected so much out of you. And, you had dragged Shawn along, to show him off to your boastful co-workers. But, that night didn't go as you planned.

Shawn was never really into the big parties with people talking about financial crap. He was more of the guy who would hold you underneath his arms, pressing you against his body, as you snuggled in dozens of blankets and watched cheesy comedy films. And his attitude that night, adding to his non-existent love for formal parties, was not helping you.

He spent his night tweeting about how he wanted to cuddle, causing your phone to constantly ring, and complaining about how he wanted to leave. It wasn't something that you would get pissed off at, but something had really got on your nerves.

"Why the heck do you even care about this? It's not like you had to attend! You just want to impress your stuck up friends and cocky boss." he had blurted, not notcing how loud he was. Your boss could've heard you, but you didn't dare to look, you just shot back at him.

"If you actually cared then you wouldn't complain about crap and you would actually support me. I don't know how you got those things, and it's sickening to think my own boyfriend would actually say that to me. You can go, because I am tired and done with that rude, annoying attitude." You were a little shocked with your attitude. But his actions bothered you.

Shot fired between the both of you, and you caused quite a commotion within your table. Peoples' eyes locked on the drama, as Shawn spat swears at you, and you did the same.

And then you noticed the unpleasant glares of the crowd. You turned beat-red, and clasped your fingers tightly around Shawn's wrist, and tugged him out through the door. "Lets go. If that's what you want."

The whole car ride was awkwardly silent. Shawn drove. You sat there staring out into the blackness of night. Your thoughts were stiff, and you were pained after you realized how harsh he was to you. Your eyes grew hotter and hotter. But you fought back the tears. You wouldn't show Shawn your weaker side.

Inside you house, the arguement continued. You yelled about how you always did things with him, and he never did anything with you. He shouted at you about how you always complained about irrelevant things. More curses and insults were thrown at you and him, and you gave it.

Hot tears streamed down from your eyes, and trickled down your cheeks, onto your chin. You quickly hid your face in your hands, and ran into the bathroom. Locking the door, you collapsed onto the floor, crying.

Shawn never said those things, and you never really got into huge fights, and hearing him curse was almost rare. And you were more on the sensitive side. So that got the worst of you.

In a matter of seconds, you heard a loud pound against the door, and Shawn muttering apologies, but you sat there, still broken at what he said. "Please, (Y/N). I know. I'm stupid. Those things I said were wrong. Worse than wrong. You don't know how much you mean to me, and I just-I just." His words chocked, and you realized, he was crying.

You remained quiet, but Shawn wouldn't give up, and he kept persuading you to forgive him, to open the door, and reasons why he was clueless and thoughtless when he said what he had said. "If it means staying here all night. I will. I just want to see you."

Your breathing grew more and more silent, noticing that Shawn had left. And then you abruptly heard the soothing sound of the strumming of his guitar, and his angelic voice, singing the familiar song of "Give Me Love"

The emotion and sadness in his voice made you unlock the door, and open it, until it was ajar. Shawn quickly stopped, placed his guitar on the wall, and you fell into his arms. Your soft weeps were drowned when he said, "I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I love you."

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