Suprise ✔️

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Your POV:

I walked up to my apartment door, dropping my keys twice before I finally unlocked the door. Through the hours of my day I managed to fail a test, crack my iPhone, and spill my Starbucks on myself this morning. Closing the door behind myself, I pulled my jacket off and slipped off my shoes. I sighed, noticing that the only light on in the place was the kitchen.

"Shawn?" I asked, walking slowly toward the kitchen.

"Babe?" I gave out a sigh of relief, entering the kitchen before gasping in surprise.

"Shawn, what's this?" I asked, noticing the set up he had transformed the kitchen into.

It was clean and there were candles and tulips everywhere. There was even soft music playing in the record player.

"Nothing much. Just thought you deserved to feel special. You sounded stressed out on the phone earlier." He said, setting down our favorite meal on the table then turning around and pulling me close.

"I love you." He whispered, giving me a kiss before pulling out a chair for me.

"I love you too." I said before we ate the wonderful meal that he'd cooked for us.

"This is wonderful Shawn, thank you." I said. I've never felt more loved.

"No problem baby. Now tell me, what was going on?"

I let out a sigh, not wanting to complain during such a wonderful moment. He gave me a knowing look, asking me to tell him everything.


"Come on babe, one more surprise."

Shawn had washed all the dishes before rushing upstairs, where he's stayed for the last 10 minutes after telling me to stay put.

Shawn grabbed me hand, taking me upstairs to our bedroom.

"Close your eyes." He covered my eyes with one of his hands as he led me to our bathroom. Removing his hand, he told me to open my eyes to see his last surprise.

"Shawn," I started, tearing up at the sight of flower petals surrounding out bathroom, warm bubbly water filling the tub. "Thank you."

Shawn said nothing, helping me strip off my outfit before doing the same.

"I love you, so, so much." He whispered into my ear as we sat.

"I love you too, so much."

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now