life of the party

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A/N: Normally I would put this at the end of the imagine, but I'm on mobile and just needed to tell you that this ~ means a change in flashback :)x enjoy

You heard it on the radio. Immediately the memories came flooding back and you fell to the ground.


"Y/N, people are staring." Shawn laughed as you danced around the store, singing along to 'All the small things'.

"I don't care." You said while doing the sprinkler. Shawn looked at you in awe.

"Mendes, quit staring." You smirked.

"I love that about you. You just don't care and dance around like there's no one else in the room." You blushed a little.


"Mum can I go to Shawn's?" You asked.

"No." She simply replied.

"Please!" You begged. Her answer remained the same, despite your pleas. You went up to your room and called Shawn. "Did she say yes?"

"Nope. But I'm coming over. No wasn't an option." You smiled. "Dear God Y/N." Shawn laughed.

"I do what I wanna do." You replied in a cocky tone.


#Y/Nmustdie was trending on twitter. As Shawn got more and more famous, the hate directed towards you increased and so this easily trended worldwide.

"I love you so much Y/N." Shawn whispered. His arms were around you tightly.

"I know Shawn. And don't worry, I don't care what those people say." You forced a smile. Shawn kissed your forehead.


"I'm outside." Shawn said through the phone.

"Okay!" You hung up and ran out the door.

"You look stunning." Shawn smiled.

"You're not so bad yourself." You replied, kissing him.

"Now let's go."

Jack and Jack's house was crowded with many party goers. Shawn took your hand and lead you to the dance floor. You two immediately let go, despite the fact that you were embarrassing yourself in front of your friends.

"Can I have this dance?" Shawn asked.

"This is a fast song." You laughed.

"So?" You obeyed and slow danced with him in the middle of the dance floor.


"Y/N, let's go out tonight." Shawn said over the phone.

"I can't, sorry." You lied.

"Your mum already said yes. I asked her." He sounded happy, which was a contrast to your mood.

"I can't okay!" You snapped. The line went silent.

"Okay. I love you Y/N." Shawn sounded defeated.

"No Shawn, I can't be with you. I'm sorry, please don't call me. I can't handle it." You hung up, threw your phone across the room and immediately began to cry. The hate was too much for you.


For 3 weeks he tried everything he could to talk to you, but you ignored him. You didn't leave the house and hardly talked to anyone. Eventually he gave up, which was a relief but also heart breaking for you. The haters had won. You had been so weak and just let them win. He began getting more and more famous and everywhere you turned you saw him. TV, billboards, his face was everywhere. A permanent reminder for you. You loved him, but you also wanted to love yourself and being torn down wasn't good for you.

-End of Flash backs-

That was a year ago. Now you sat alone, listening to the radio, tears streaming down your face.

"That was teen sensation, Shawn Mendes with his song Life of the Party. I'm telling you this kid is gonna go far." The radio host said.

This song had to be about your relationship. Right?

You pulled out your phone and saw that familiar contact. You pressed call.

"Y/N?" Shawn said.

Shawn Mendes Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن