Irresistible ✔️

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Your POV:

"Yeah, Shawn and I-" I start to say, but I got cut off by Shawn. 

"Yeah, so as I was saying..." I stood there, watching as Shawn completely took me out of his conversation.

"Wow Shawn, that's so cool!" Cameron says, and the boys all nod their heads.

"Yeah it was, I was there too." I said awkwardly.

"Oh, that's cool, I guess." Carter says, more interested in what Shawn had to say.

I cross my arms, watching in complete awe as Shawn disregards me. "Wow." I say, walking over to Shawn's car and waiting for him.

When he comes back, he looks at me confused. "What?"

"Really? You didn't notice?" I say shocked.

"No, please enlighten me." He says annoyed.

I get frustrated, then wait until we get home to rant to him since we had to take Cameron home. The boys talk about sports and whatnot on the ride home while I sit in the back, on my phone the whole time.

"Thanks for the ride!" Cameron said before walking away.

I get out of the back seat and switch to the front. We ride home in silence, but when we get home I just snap.

"You completely ignored me when we were with your friends!" I say as I walk in my house, Shawn following me.

"What was I supposed to do? I was with my friends. I can't ignore them to be with you the whole time..." He rubs the back of his neck, a little nervous.

"Well, you certainly could have pretended that I was there, at least. I mean, am I such a bother to you and the boys?" I go into my room, taking off my jacket and shoes.

"Of course not! I mean, I don't know. They're just intimidating to outside people." He says in defense.

"Whatever, Shawn." I brush past him in the doorway, walking to my living room.

He gives me a frown, moving through the hallway.

"Babe, come on. Lighten up." Shawn says, grabbing my hand.

"No, Shawn. Stop." I say, walking towards the couch to sit down. He stops in the hallway, not moving.

"Look, I'm sorry for being a jerk. It's all my fault." His voice was somewhat serious, but had a sarcastic undertone. This time I stayed silent, pretending that my fingernails were more interesting than him.

"Oh, you're giving me the silent treatment now?" He says, slowly walking towards the couch. I keep looking at my nails, trying my hardest not to show any sign of giving in. Shawn reaches the couch, inches away from me. "You know, you can't stay silent forever."

I wanted to say, "Let's see about that." But then he would win, which is exactly what I don't want.

Shawn comes closer, his fingers trailing down my back. "I know you can't resist this..." He places his lips at my neck, quickly finding my sweet spot. A small moan escapes my lips. I could picture the smirk that was plastered on his face. He keeps going, his fingers now roaming across my arms. I couldn't help the smile forming on my face as he kissed my neck. Shawn left a trail of kisses up to my neck, grabbing my face with one hand, and kissing me with passion.

I smile into the kiss, not realizing that what he was doing was working. "Shawn..." I moan out of habit. He perks up. "Hah! I knew I could break you." He says, kissing me again.

"Okay, you got me. But, promise me that you won't ignore me when you are with your friends, okay?"

"Okay, I promise. Now kiss me." He says desperately. I lay on top of him, kissing him with passion. After a while, Shawn looks at me with love in his eyes.

"You know, you're irresistible when you're pissed." He says.

"Good to know. I should be mad more often." I say.

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