Someone Else ✔️

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Shawn has been really distant lately and he has been coming home really late claiming he was out with the boys when I knew that he wasn't. Today was another night he was going out.

"Shawn where are you going." I asked even though I knew he was going to say he was going out with 'the boys.'

"Liam invited me over to his place. He said he needed to talk to me about something very important." He answered.

"Okay. Well what time will you be back?"

"Around 10 but I am not sure. I'll call you if I am going to stay longer."

"Okay then. Love you be safe."

"Yeah okay I will." That was the last thing he said before he left. That's another thing that has been happening lately as well. He hasn't been saying I love you back. I feel like he doesn't love me anymore. Not like he used to.

Around 12 a.m. I was starting to get worried. Shawn hasn't called or messaged me about him getting home later than he said. I decided to call Liam and see what's taking Shawn so long since he won't respond to me.

After the third ring he answered. "Hello?"

"Hey Liam is Shawn still there with you? He won't respond to my calls or texts but he said he wasn't going to be out too late." I said.

"No I haven't seen him in a while. Are you sure he said he'd be with me?" He says confused.

"100% positive. He said you had something important to tell him." I said nervously.

"I haven't talked to him in a few days. Probably not since we all went out to catch up with each other last week. But, if I hear from him I'll let you know" he said.

"Oh. Okay, I'll try to reach him and see where he is. Thanks anyways." I say, now getting scared.

"No problem." He says.

After I hung up, I tried to call Shawn again. After the first couple of rings he picks up.

"Shawn where are you?" I say but don't get a response. I call out a few more times before finally hearing some voices.

"Babe, when are you going to break up with her? I am tired of sneaking around with you. I just want to be free and go out in public with you without having to worry about being seen." Said a feminine voice.

"Shawn what's going on?" I say, praying this is a joke.

"Rachael, I know. I will do it tomorrow. It's hard to break up with someone that you have been with for two years." Shawn voice pops in.

   'Shawn's planning on breaking up with me tomorrow? Who's Rachael?' All these questions are going through my head.

"I love you so much Shawn." She says

"I love you too." He responds

"Why were you even with (Y/N) in the first place?" She questions.

"I think that I was just looking for someone that I could settle with. But I don't think I was ever in love with her. I just said the word without really feeling it. I thought I was in love with her but then I met you" I heard a giggle in the background. "I felt a spark that I haven't been feeling with (Y/N) in a while and I felt butterflies with you every time I thought of you. That's when I realized that I was never really in love with her but I was in love with you." He says. Tears are falling down my face at this point.

"I love you too Shawn. So much" she says before I hear noises similar to kissing. I hung up. I couldn't listen to this anymore.

He never loved me?

So all the the we did and said to each other meant nothing to him? I don't think that I'll be able to handle him breaking up with me tomorrow. I won't be able to hold a conversation with him without breaking down into tears.

I packed all my bags so I won't have to face him when he comes home which will probably be in the next few hours. I had everything that belonged to me in two suitcases.

Everything that reminded me of him I left behind. If he didn't love me anymore (or at all) and wanted to break up with me then there is no point in fighting with him and having an argument when the result will be the same. He will leave me and go with Rachael.

I grabbed my stuff and headed out. I'll probably go to my old apartment, which was about three hours away, but I just needed to get away from here and escape from this. Thank God I never stopped my contract on the lease. I'm just sad this is what made me have to go back.


I got home around 2. I was trying to be quiet so I wouldn't wake up (Y/N). I made my way upstairs to go to bed.

Once I reached our room I found the bed empty. Where the is she? I looked all around but she wasn't anywhere. Then I found a note on top of the kitchen counter. It was from (Y/N).

Dear Shawn,

I left. I heard your conversation with Rachael when I was trying to reach you because you were late. . You were saying that you were going to break up with me tomorrow morning. You never loved me. No wonder whenever I said that I loved you, you wouldn't say it back, because you were in love with her. You never meant anything you said to me. All the things you were saying to me that made my heart flutter meant nothing to you. I left so I wouldn't make it hard for you to break up with me, but let's face it, I'd be the only one heart broken wouldn't I? I hope she makes you happy and gives you everything I couldn't. Take care.


I walked over and opened the closet. Everything that belonged to her was gone. Everything but the gifts I gave her.

'She heard us? She left me? She's gone?' I thought nervously.

I hope I won't regret this.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now