Symptoms ✔️

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Shawn had surprised you on the morning of your second wedding anniversary with breakfast in bed. He'd gone all out with French toast, eggs, bacon, coffee and fruit because he knows you love all of those things so much.

He gently nudges you awake and you smile when you see the tray in his hands. You sit up as he places it over your lap. After taking just one whiff of the delicious-looking food, your stomach does a flip.

"Move, move, move!" you say frantically, trying to get out of the bed and into the bathroom as fast as you can.

"What's wrong? I thought you liked all this stuff..."Shawn worriedly asks but, his hurt feelings coming through in his voice. He hears you heave and quickly puts the tray down to come check on you.

"You ok?" he asks, coming through the door. You nod, your head still leaning towards the bowl. "So much for that plan, then," he says with a chuckle.

"I hadn't realized how touchy the baby is with this kind of stuff." He rubs your back and you let out a small laugh.
"I appreciate the gesture though" you say.

"I should have known. You were puking at the sight of toast yesterday, for Godssake." You laugh again and lean against him, happy to have such an understanding husband.

"Panera Bagels?" He asks grabbing the keys.

You smile wide and rush out of the door and into the car. "We like bagels don't we baby?" You say as you lovingly rub your bump.

As you see Shawn head to the car in his pajamas, you smile knowing how lucky you really are.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now