I don't believe you

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You burst through the door one night, tears in your eyes. You saw Shawn look over at you alarmed. He stood up and started to walk over to you, but you threw a magazine at him. "Whats that?!" You yelled, pointing to the picture of Shawn and another woman kissing. "Thats not real" he said cooly. "Not real? It looks pretty dang real, Shawn!" You yelled. "Y/N, do you really believe this? Ive been with you for the past two weeks. When would i have time to do that? And i love you, i would never." He said and you could see he was getting angry that you didn't believe him. "You've lied before" you whispered sarcastically. "YOU REALLY THINK IM LYING?" he yelled, throwing his hands up in the air. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE!" you screamed. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE?" he screamed back. "YOU CLEARLY ARE KISSING THAT WOMAN, SHAWN! IM NOT STUPID!" you cried, tears forming in your eyes. "NO IM NOT! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" he screamed, getting close to you. "YOUR ALWAYS OUT! WHO KNOWS MAYBE YOU'VE BEEN WITH THIS WOMAN ALL ALONG! ITS NOT LIKE YOU EVER CALL ME WHILE YOUR OUT!" you scream. You see him pull his arm back and then you feel a sharp pain on the side of your face. You fall the the floor and begin to sob. You look up to see him staring down at you, hand over his mouth. You get up and run out the front door. Your crying as you run and you can hear him running after you. He grabs your wrist, but you shake him off. "Y/N, please" he chokes. "Don't" you snap at him, turning away, but he catches you again. "Y/N, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean too. I was angry. I would never..." he trailed off. "Well you did! And it hurt! I need to get away from you" you cried, running down the street. You looked back to see him staring at you, tears in his eyes. You kept running until you made it to your friends flat. Shawn tried calling, texting, and E-mailing, but you never responded. You didn't need somebody like that in your life.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now